How she’s voting: “At first I thought, ‘Oh my god, I’m so Hillary [Clinton]’, but I had a long political call with Caitlyn last night about why she’s voting Trump. I’m on the fence.”~~~ Kim K
How she’s voting: “At first I thought, ‘Oh my god, I’m so Hillary [Clinton]’, but I had a long political call with Caitlyn last night about why she’s voting Trump. I’m on the fence.”~~~ Kim K
Right?! In a sane world, this would be the lost pol you try to paint as corrupt. She took her Yale JD to Arkansas, not Wall Street. Her first major national political move was getting her ass kicked over a health reform bill for it being too liberal and too well thought out. These are not the acts of a politician…
People yell at me for saying this, but I think so much of it boils down to sexism.
People just seem so gullible and I fear its because so many have lost critical thinking skills. I also think some people kind of like being the doomsayers. For example, a lot of liberal/Democrat friends of mine kind of like to indulge in the “well, America is just 100% full of racists and Donald Trump will definitely…
“appears to have started”
You’re being completely disingenuous and you know it. Hillary’s supposed “lies” have been debunked six ways to Sunday. “Feelings” are a stupid thing on which to base a vote.
The vote Hillary made, the vote John Kerry made, the vote many democratic Senate stalwarts swallowed their pride and made, was a vote not to hamstring the U.S. president in a staredown with a local despot widely viewed as a threat to global peace and stability. Even if that president was not of their party. That that…
That FB group posts a lot of stuff from Daily Caller, an alt-right rag. They obviously have their own home-grown craziness too. But I get the sense that there are Right Wing trolls there fanning the flames, fueling the hatred.
You didn’t need to say it. When you say that Hillary Clinton is the more racist of the two, you are shitting on her black supporters. And either you Bernie supporters didn’t even let this cross your mind, or your understand and you racist Bernie supporters didn’t care.
Oh, the “stupid black people don’t know what’s good for them” veiled argument, again. Yeah, black Democratic voters chose the “more racist” of the two major Democratic candidates. Okay, sure.
Look all I’m saying is that statistically, people who support Hillary are more likely to be POC than people who support Bernie.
That people are using opinions and not evidence to back up their claims that bothh candidates are terrible is the problem. There’s no opinion about it: Trump lies and is massively unqualified to be president. Fact. Clinton’s supposed “lies” are accusations concocted by the far right (and propagated by the far left) in…
Ex-Bernie supporters are the worst:
The link states that there was no actual connection to Hillary Clinton and her campaign. Linda Starr, Texas. She has a lot of crazy beliefs. And that Germanic woman in California drove the birther nonsense into the ground, too. But Trump *really* wouldn’t let it go.
The hangers on who refuse to let Bernie go and who continue to dream up ways he can still win, while passing on the worst of the Right-wing smears against Clinton are the worst people in the world. Are you a member here?
The worst people in this election are the ones who form a false equivalency between Trump and Clinton, saying they are both horrible and that our choice is one of the lesser of two evils. Nothing is further from the facts. All you have to do is take each candidate at their word and by their actions: Trump is a racist…
Or Giant Douche can lose to competent, experienced policy wonk.
HTFG, fuck the NYT. The have had every goddamn opportunity in the fucking world to expose his truly incredible ability to lie with a straight face and instead, chose readership/commenter numbers.
It should also be pointed out that the 2008 Clinton campaign was not responsible for raising the “birther” issue. It never did. That rightist rumor has been proven false many times over. Yet, Trump and his idiot campaign continue to spew lies and spin the hell out of the truth. Stunningly ignorant people.
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