

Oh, I know! But that’s what Ivanka asserted, and nobody fucking checked her ass because nobody does that to them.

She hasn’t? Compare this to Trump’s record...

Not sure why Ivanka get a break here.

  • Guarantee up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave to care for a new child or a seriously ill family member, and up to 12 weeks of medical leave to recover from a serious illness or injury of their own.

Hilarious how they flipped on releasing those “unbelievable” health records on Oz:

Did you miss where I am also a Black woman (capital B Black, too!) So tell me why you care more about racism than I do, Miss Sanctimonious-Because-I-Waste-My-Vote-In-Important-Elections?

Fucking Alt+Left asshole. Get bent.

That’s some fine concern trolling there. Fine concern trolling.

How old are you? I keep asking some posters this because, at the elderly age of 44, I can say with quite a bit of certainty that things are a lot, a LOT better than when I was born way back in the dark ages of Nixon. When I was born, a married woman couldn’t get a credit card issued in her own name. Abortion was

Rather than yell at you, I want to hear what you think is so bad about HRC. Because I was in the “uggh I dont really like HRC but I guess I have to vote for her” camp, but the more and more I read- and I mean doing my own research, past conservative (and liberal!) media biases, I like her more and more.

LOL what world do you live in?

Hopefully we’re trading in 8 years of racism for 8 years of misogyny. And by hopefully I mean Hillary gets elected.

And even if you do absolutely love a candidate and that candidate happens to become president, you will never see them being able to enact their entire platform. Because we are a republic and the art of governing in a republic is compromise. That’s really what we do best, but it’s been compromised by factors, the most

You need to keep open the possibility that not everyone thinks like you, and some people are fine with the “status quo” if the “status quo” is Hillary Clinton. If you support Stein or Johnson, you are the minority. It may actually be the case that you will never get what you want because you live in a large, diverse

You’re insisting she’s so terrible you just can’t bring yourself to vote for her in one post and in the next saying it’s actually an easy choice.

“And that’s a shitty reason to vote for someone.”

The way I am looking at it is that we have to think of the whole nation when we vote, not just ourselves. Our families, schools, neighborhoods...cities, states, etc etc you get me. Voting is about something much bigger than how it makes us feel that day.

I don’t fucking know. I’m HAPPY to vote for her.

(this is not directed at you specifically, just more of general rant about this stupid argument)