
No, it doesn’t. She got diagnosed on Friday, soldiered on, felt like shit and fainted on Sunday, then told everyone the deal. She didn’t have to tell anyone anything, in my opinion. I don’t need to know every time a presidential candidate has an annoying, curable, common illness that will make them feel like shit for

It’s a consistent pattern—Trumpanzees are incapable of understanding two things can happen at once. For them, every problem has ONE cause and all the other ones are liberal lies.

Right? Because it is impossible to have allergies and also come down with pneumonia, lol.

It’s no wonder he doesn’t like Bill. Clearly taunting him at the DNC.

Personal trainers HATE her. Especially for her superpower that magically elongates her face and torso.

Yep, as far as I know, there is no cure for Narcissistic Personality Disorder, particularly because the sufferer refused to acknowledge he has it.

President H Clinton: Worst case scenario, Hillary dies from pneumonia and we get President Kaine.

And they’re saying she was lying about allergies and overheating. Both of those things make perfect sense with pneumonia, actually.

Exactly. It’s the same person you basketful of assholes, but without a bullet proof vest under her clothes, which she has to wear because you fuckers are insane!

Two Hillarys are better than one!

You are supposed to notice how many racist white people are face blind.

Trump isn’t fooling anyone with that girdle/corset that he’s wearing. He’s clearly gained a lot of weight.

Men who look like they’re days away from a massive coronary should really shut the hell up.

I posted today that I’d trust her ghost through a celeb reality medium over Trump. My southern family did not find it funny.

What I don’t get is why this walking pneumonia diagnosis isn’t proving to everyone what a fucking badass Hillary is. She hasn’t slowed down and she’s been seriously sick. This is some serious dedication. My 22 year old brother got walking pneumonia and he missed finals because of it.

Why, it’s almost as if people look different when they’re feeling poorly!

Blood pressure, heart rate, lipid panel, psychopathy test results...all will certainly be “very large numbers.”

I love it when people compare one picture of someone done up in full, camera-ready make-up, hair, and outfit and the same person on the street and are surprised when they look different. Also, taking an unflattering pic from a certain angle= OMG ARE THEY EVEN THE SAME PERSON!?!!?

I’d rather have a president with physical ailments than a president who is mentally unhinged and cannot form a coherent sentence. Not to mention Trump doesn’t look so physically healthy himself. He should lay off the KFC.

I’m with her. And/or her body double.