
Same. I got dehydrated and overheated at graduation and spent the entire night and most of the next day throwing up. And my head hurt so much I couldn’t see straight. The paramedics rolled me to my dad’s car in a wheelchair and gave me a stack of barf bags for the ride home.

That’s a funny way the Guardian has of spelling Donald Trump. He says he was pulling people from the wreckage, and why would anyone not take him at his word?

Careful. You’ll hurt their feelings. You saw how the tears flowed after deplorable-gate.

This is literally the only presidential candidate in my lifetime people have been like this for, which is why this is so infuriating. Christ, Dole was 5 years older and this was never really brought up at the time. It just feels like a fucking witch hunt because the Republicans know that talking about how they oppose

She had a difficult time breathing on 9/11/2001, too. You know, when she was New York’s Senator. HRC went down to the Twin Towers site, and did everything she could for the first responders with health problems.

Cray don't recognize cray.

I’ll still take the person who might die in office over the one who might kill us all in office.

It’s a lot hotter inside a bulletproof jacket.
Yes, HRC has to be perfect. No allergies, no cold or flu.

It’s ironic that the Trump supporters will jump all over Hillary’s physical health as a reason she shouldn’t be president while totally ignoring Trump’s mental health.

It seems all the internet lawyers who declared Clinton guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors have suddenly acquired MDs.


I love all the comments like the twitter guy above who say that her wobbliness “doesn’t look heat related.” Have they ever seen someone pass out from the heat? You literally lose your legs. That’s exactly what it looks like if someone is holding onto you (as her aides are) when it happens.

7-Eleven was a part time job!

What’s Trump hiding in his tax return? Why did Ivanka meet with Putin’s girlfriend a month ago in Croatia? Did he bribe the FL AG to drop the Fraud U case? What’s the status of that child rape case against him?

Next debate should be held in a sauna to test endurance

Let’s to put the pieces together here:

“Why are you so sick?”

I hate the media for making this a thing. I hate it. This sort of thing happens to people constantly in the heat. If you overheat you will feel weak. You may have trouble standing or walking. That happens.

Wait, someone got that close to Shkreli and managed not to punch him in the face...

The frightening thing is realizing how a small thing like this has the potential of bringing the alt-right into the White House. It is just a very thin sheen between the forces of normalcy and a careening clown car full of fascists, morons, con men, white supremacists, predatory techbros, and the Russian oligarchy.