
That’s one of the things I really liked about the episode actually. The happy ending is undercut by the thought of the “cookies” being tortured forever. The ending of San Junipero is similar. It’s happy, but you realize that they’re just ones and zeros on a server somewhere so does it actually matter?

Yeah i agree, in Black Mirror world that was a horrifying reveal given AIs are sentient beings capable of feeling pain / emotions.

I puzzle over whether “Shut up...” is really what I’d call a happy ending. I mean, those “people” in the simulation seemed to be conscious entities, invoked into life, and made to suffer and struggle, BY A FUCKING DATING APP! How is that any better than the life for those on board the Callister?

Nosedive scores high because it is so resonant with current events. It stretched its premise a little far IMHO, and failed in one fundamental way for a Black Mirror episode. Normally they try to show the upside of a technology at the beginning before showing the downside. But right from the start most people were

I cannot fault you the top 2 picks. They’re the two that I will just put on when I want something exceptional, but don’t feel like investing into a whole series. I love how San Junipero plays with the darkness of every episode that comes before it and has you waiting for the shoe that never comes to drop. That trick

I’m with you on a lot of this. I think I liked Hang the DJ more than you did, but I kind of agree it’s a sweet episode, but what does it really say except that an app found them compatible in a world we don’t quite understand, because everything up until then was a lie. I think what Hang the DJ is missing is context.

Imma go ahead and *not* wish death on another human being, even one whose views I find repugnant...but I wouldn’t feel too bad about a debilitating flesh wound from a high powered rifle.

Oh I’m SO SORRY we have exasperated you.

Maybe if you’re tired of hearing about American issues, you should try reading less American based content? Cause this would be the equivalent of me going to a BBC website and telling Brits to quit moaning about Brexit.

As much as I like to shit on teenagers on this site, the kids are alright. It’s the adults that are failing us.

Do not know if this is true, but I read yesterday, that kids from Marjory Stoneman High were tweeting as the shooting and lock down was going on. And kids from other high schools with past shootings were replying to them telling them what to do - telling them places they had hid to survive, how they got out of their

I’m sorry to hear that the movement has made you anxious. It shouldn’t! But it’s OK if it makes you rethink the way you do things. I think reflection is a good outcome if you are already trying to be feminist. We all make mistakes from time to time, but as long as we try to be better today than we were yesterday,

Exactly. Some guys act like it’s an either or option at the two extreme ends of the spectrum: “Oh, it’s unacceptable to force ourselves on women? So we have to meekly ask for permission to initiate every form of physical interaction we want to engage in, or we’ll be accused of rape!?”

You can actually get to know

Jesus, dude, it’s not THAT hard. I’ve just started a relationship with a brilliant, beautiful, dyed-in-the-wool feminist and I’m not at all worried about committing harassment or sexual assault. Want to approach a woman? Do it respectfully. If she gives “fuck-off” signals, then fuck off. Headphones on and book open?

You’ve got this backwards. Part of the point of #metoo is to SHOW men how to interact romantically with women, because too many of you fuckers need to learn that the Weinstein or Cosby approaches ain’t romance.

I mean...I was under the impression that you can interact romantically with another person without harassing or assaulting them. I was sure that it had happened to me several times in my life, but maybe I was wrong?

Absolutely no way this is going to turn out awful.

Easier to get a cop fired for accepting pizza as a bribe than for murdering an unarmed person. Jesus.

I’m gonna get raked over hot coals for this but I kind of think that productions like these play a very shitty game of saying “EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS” and “SUCH AN IMPORTANT AND MOVING SHOW” and then jacking their prices up like crazy due to a completely dumb artificial scarcity.

Well, what else do you expect when Broadway shows are, by their very nature, an art that few get to experience live considering you need to a) have the money to get to NYC, b) have the money to stay there or nearby, c) have the vacation time to, d) have the money to buy tickets (yes, you can lottery, but that’s not