
I think part of the issue is that all we see of their relationship is sexual. Even when they’re just chatting as avatars it is primarily focused on what the sex is like for them. I didn’t really get any feeling that they had an emotional connection beyond that, which makes the conflict (for me, anyway) a lot more

I’m totally fine with ambiguity, and I agree that I think they did that to an extent (though if it was wholly intentional or a result of the one-hour time frame is debatable), I just think that because of everything you’re saying Danny’s story is so much less compelling than Karl’s and I would have rather followed the

I agree, which is why I was disappointed we didn’t focus on any of the other characters more. I think the idea of “I’m a middle aged man bored in my marriage” has been done to death, technology related or otherwise, whereas the concept of “Oh, I maybe feel more comfortable being a woman than a man and I can do that

Ehhh. I don’t know how much I would trust this blueprint. I know that personally some of my favorite episodes are ones that ranked lower on this list and some of the ones I found pretty meh were near the top. A lot of it has to do with personal taste, so I would just try whatever one has the most interesting sounding

Five Million Merits is so good and so underrated. 

Yeah, I fully agree. I honestly didn’t even end the episode feeling like Danny was really into Karl? I get that the show wanted me to believe that, because they had that moment before their fight and everything, but by the end I was like “....maybe he just really likes banging that hot chick?”. Not saying that isn’t

I fully agree about the first fifteen minutes and the potential for the concept. I was honestly really disappointed with how wasted the premise was in this episode. I unfortunately had the twist spoiled for me before I watched it (though honestly knowing the twist was a big reason I was excited to see it in the first

Also it seems like the current technology we have in the real world (phone GPS, car GPS, the fact that she talked to other people about where she was headed which isn’t even technology it would just be interviewing) would solve this crime in short enough order. The pet could be totally cut out of the plot and I still