
I wonder if I could make some money selling a line of special scrotal irons and ironing boards. Being that wrinkly can’t be healthy.

Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus in a manger because Joseph and Mary, two people in need of safety and shelter, were literally turned away by everyone.

Seriously Saudi not being on the list is the proof of how useless this ban is

Canada doesn’t have as much of a problem in this area as the US due to their exceptionally healthy immigration policy. A company like Shopify, for example, has a much easier time finding qualified employees in their higher echelons than Amazon.

Your point is very much on topic, and the answer is that many of these people don’t really “think” at all.

A bit OT but who do these people think will be paying their SS when they’re old? The US *NEEDS* immigrants to work and pay into the system because people are having 1 or 2 children, not the 5-10 previous generations were. Without population growth that pyramid collapses pretty fast, especially when you consider the

There was an idiot at my old office job who thought that Alaska was an island off the coast of Texas. The west coast of Texas. I’m not sure where she thought Mexico was in relation to her geography. But she will probably find a position in dome building for the Trump administration.

I hear by declare that we need a complete and total shutdown of the White House until we know what’s going on!

The contract to construct the dome has been awarded to a Russian steel company, “Dome’t Forget, We Own You LLC.”

Saudi Arabia’s not on the list because it’s an economic powerhouse- Who care if they export Wahhabism. Meaning, Trump wants to play to his base without actually fucking up the economy beyond all belief.

I’m going to go ahead and guess Saudi Arabia is still not on the list because of Mango Mussolini’s business ties to that country, even tho most of the 9/11 hijackers were from there and elements within the royal family have funded terrorism and extremism in both the Muslim world and the West for decades. And why don’t

If you talk to the heads of the fastest growing/ most disruptive companies in the country, they’ll tell you that the problem isn’t that there aren’t enough jobs; there are plenty of jobs. The problem is that in many fields, they simply cannot find enough qualified Americans to fill these jobs.

“until we know what is happening.”

Are you sure that wasn’t a viciouscycle class?

There is so much wtf-ery in this story. Who the fuck lets a woman who just had her leg impaled catch a fucking Uber to the hospital?

And considered not a religion by the alt-Right but a ‘political theology.’

I have no doubt but that, before the Church took dominion, women enjoyed greater rights in Gaelic Ireland. Also the Church immensely profited from the slave labour of unwed mothers and women who were deemed to be unfitting in some way and were effectively imprisoned without trial for decades.

Also divorce. Which was legalised in 1995.

But please remember that abortion is the true sin.