
“Schneider was nominated for a 2000 Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actor, but lost to Jar-Jar Binks.”—Roger Ebert

Trump’s America ladies and gents. The pervs and bigots are practically wetting themselves with excitement over the increased normalization of harassment and assault. No more need to be politically correct - just pinch away.

Then I’ll be tried and convicted for assault because this is Trump’s America.

Poor widdle snowflake. Let me take a sip from my Old Man Tears mug.

First man that grabs my pussy will hAve to seek medical attention in order to retrieve his balls from his throat, which is where their final resting place will be from me kicking them so hard.

In which case, I hope the lady in question comes back and pinches his nuts between her fingers until they leave little crescent fingernail bruises on his saggy old man scrotum.

Another friendly reminder that political correctness is simply treating people with respect. So yea, he’ll probably be acquitted.


White women who want to broadcast their politics (in addition to actually taking action, ahem) could also just wear a t-shirt from Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Amnesty, SPLC, CAIR, BLM, NOW, NPR, DNC ... the possibilities are endless. Just anything at all besides almost literally #notallwhitewomen.

Dear god we are just so very embarrassing.

Oh the idiocy of Trump supporters is just that bad. I can’t believe the level of stupidity I see from Trumpanzees on this site. It’s like the are a caricature of an idiot, but they are being serious. Just like I can’t believe these people were so easily conned into believing Trump’s promises. It boggles my mind.

The next 4 years will be a case study in just how low the GOP will go.

I think as president, it’s implied that he is acting as an agent of the United States. And to me, his weird inability to ever criticize or say anything negative about Russia is more than just a guy who likes the business opportunities Russia affords. We are talking about a guy who insults everyone, including foreign

“Dames” is too classy a word for him; he’d use something more vulgar, being the small-fingered vulgarian he is.

double agent

He’s not even an Agent but what would be called a “useful idiot”.

Puppet vs double agent

So why again did they have this meeting?

So why again did they have this meeting? Can we please stop feeding his insatiable ego? Every time he meets with someone like this, being a narcissistic shitheel, he always assumes it is a tacit endorsement.