
Fuck Greg Abbott. Should have expected as soon as the Supreme Court called them on their other bullshit they’d pull something like this. Anything to punish women for aborting. I hope the women of Texas start sending Abbott used menstrual products to bury with due ceremony...there could be precious sacred fetal remains

Good for you! Your pro choice, liberal intersectional feminist views do make you awesome!!! :) if any dude can’t respect that your body = your choice he can GTFO.

Yep, this actually has actually been happening back in Baltimore (my home city), after the protests there. It never made the news, but cops were basically refusing to answer calls in the parts of the city that seemed most supportive of the protests. These conveniently happened to be mostly poor, predominantly black

Ah. The classic racist response to any attempt to promote civil rights: it’s divisive (but somehow the racism itself he actively promotes is not divisive????) Same response as the buttmuppets who are so “tired” of hearing about racism. Heaven forbid they have to have their day ruined by seeing/hearing about people

Some of the PC moisturizers have been hit or miss for me, agree about the SR being goopy! The hydrator is wonderful though, hate the packaging (since I’ve had several bottles the pump just refused to work) but the product itself is good stuff!

Have you tried Shea Butter? I also found plain oils to not be moisturizing enough and tried Raw Shea Butter— it is bomb!

I’m a big fan of paulas choice stuff, (they have some really solid choices for sensitive skin, everything is fragrance and cruelty free). I really like the hydralight cleanser and the clear salicylic acid exfoliant is my holy grail product. I have skin that can be annoyingly dry yet breakout prone and I really like

Yay llamas!! I think I’ll always love those furry beasties since one of the first books I ever read as a kid was “Is Your Mama a Llama” lol.

Oh no! I’m sorry :(

I almost cried reading that! I feel your pain, orchids are sooooo demanding to keep alive and blooming, so to lose one to being knocked over?! :( was it completely unsalvageable??

I am so so sorry for your loss :( that is one of my worst nightmares

Exactly! It’s scary for the leashed dog and they will react fearfully, and for a lot of dogs fearful = aggressive. With a big dog that is a bad combo :(

Congratulations!!! <3

For real!! I’m glad Lola is ok. That is so terrifying. I have 2 dogs, one very large dog and a small dog, and it’s thanks to fools like this I cannot take them places with me. My big dog has ptsd from being attacked as a puppy (while I was walking him on leash by an offleash dog) and he freaks the fuck out now if he’s

All the best at the New Yorker! Thank you for all of your awesome articles here on Jez, I’m sorry to see you go :/

I’m sorry you went through that bullshit :( I had a similar experience, and it amazes me how many other women will defend accused harassers and dismiss other women’s experiences simply because they were not personally targeted. These creeps are predators, they’re smart and they select their targets strategically. The

I’m sorry to hear that, I hope everything turns out all right. I’ve also had hpv (despite the vaccine) and 2 years of abnormal paps, finally had my first normal! Something I think helped me (which my ob/gyn suggested) was taking rhodiola rosea this entire past year, she said it can help the body fight off the virus.

THIS. I think this is what makes me the angriest about the church’s ass backwards stance on BC. They push something as burdensome and ineffective as NFP on women who are already struggling and make their lives exponentially worse. Which is unforgivable.

Seriously. It’s such utter bullshit and literally works to keep women pregnant and in the kitchen. The Uber traditional types also believe it’s a sin to refuse your husband sex, so basically they trap women into being pregnant as often as physically possible. Among some of the really fecund and traditional catholics I

The annulment process is also a decent revenue source for the church, which is probably why they even offer the option to get an annulment at all. I was raised Catholic and we knew a priest who worked for the branch of the Cardinal’s office that dealt with annulments and it is insane-if you can afford the exorbitant