
Why does that guy look like he’s seen some shit? You’d think he’d be happy to show off new hardware, not be dealing with the deep existential nihilism of his own inevitable replacement by technological constructs.

But the thing is, when words change by use, how long they’ve existed is entirely subjective.

That may have been the original meaning, but misuse of words gradually deprives them of their meaning. I won’t deny that there are very, very toxic people on the social justice front, but the term itself has been misapplied so much it’s become a mockery of the initial intent. Becoming “person who has beliefs about

Samsung apparently has never heard of the Streisand Effect. This’ll blow up in their faces. Like a Note 7.

Holy shit this goes down as one of the worst trailers ever. I mean sure, I have no problem with LP culture, but man, these games are good because they’re scary in an atmospheric sense. Atmosphere completely ruined by youtuber “OMGWTFBBQSCREAM” - a phrase this trailer actually, unironically covers the screen with.

I’m sure they’re just on top-secret clown business.

Since Megaton is a different game by a different publisher, it's unlikely. That said I have to wonder if this will include the third party expansions like Megaton did

Have you ever witnessed your phone transforming into an evil robot? That might be a valid concern

If I recall right the marketing campaign there was emphasizing the many colours available and thus “who are you” was referring to owner identity expressed through design of their system

But it’s a one-off sarcastic comment, not bigtime srs comments.

What politics? This is a talented voice actor reciting dumb celebrity quotes, not politics :p

It’s good. Pretty big gameworld, doesn’t force any tutorials on the player, the new abilities you get are pretty unique.

Kind of more interested in this than Mankind Divided itself, partly because the protagonist of Human Revolution bores me so

Huh, cool. Nice to see FF12 get a remaster, given how much of a black sheep it is.

Tracer’s model is structured in a way that draws attention to her butt from behind. They made the pose more playful and high energy so it matches the character better.

Oh cool, a new Vita game? I mean Zombies: The Last Survivor sounds generic but let’s give it the benefit of the doubt and look it up just in.. ca...se...

And I’m saying at least the current hardware (with up to date software) will still be able to play the game. I’m a long-time iOS user and it’s a crapshoot whether something I bought in the older days will actually function on current software. This includes Square’s own Chaos Rings which has issues with crashes as a

Uuhhmm.. When has a 3DS or Vita update broken the ability to play older games? Because that happens like every major iOS update.

But his guuuutttssss :x

My only disappointment is that you do not get to rip and tear the Cyberdemon’s guts. :(