
Honestly, I'm still VERY fond of Q2DM1 "The Edge". All the memories of LAN greatness, there.

Mists didn't crash, it was smooth. Sort of smooth.

Yeah, he is. I have an issue with using the wrong tense ALL the time.

I feel like the lack of Justin Carter is a bit of an oversight in this, given how ridiculous that whole situation was.

Agreed there, yeah.

ROB works though, he's land-bound and.. well, a robot. Robots are pretty easy to grok for fighting game format.

Don't we have Dark Samus as a Samus skin anyway? I mean, it's been a while but IIRC the only actual wildly different Samus-variants are Phazon Corruption and Fusion Suit.

I'm saddened by the absence of Ridley soley because I can't wrap my head around Ridley as a fighting game character and wanted to see how it'd work.

Gods that would be fantastic.

If I were to guess it'd be that this is an RE6 Anthology-esque thing with MGS5.

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There was a massive, sprawling Terminator 1 game! It was made by Bethesda, and we know they're good at open worlds.

It's here at last! With a combination of SAI (Simulated Artificial Intelligence), and VRAI (Virtually Real Artificial Intelligence), we at MaxThis! Software have created a simulated simulator experience that's unlike anything you've ever simulated playing before. With Sim Sim, you can create a simulated environment in

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I'm going to stand by the birthday celebration in The Darkness. It's a very, very "real" moment. and astonishing in subtlety. Also probably the best love scene in video game history in my eyes.

Agreed. I really hope DOOM is a classic shooter. Narrative is fine but Doom 3 went all Wannabe Half-Life-y.

Thinking of Quake there, but yeah. Given where Doom 2 fits in the timeline it's entirely possible id and NIN had the deal set at the time.

One thing that the video didn't mention that amuses me a little is that a cut weapon from the Doom Bible (The Unmaker) made it into Doom 64.

I'm quite hopeful that Unreal Tournament (the crowdsourced experiment of a game) turns out to be good. Kind of the shooter I'm most excited for, aside from No Man's Sky.

Is it just me or has character creation gotten MORE rare as technology advanced. I really miss when there was a lot of it :/ Feels like only Saints Row and Wrestling games have it any good anymore, aside from like.. RPGs which don't let you accessorize your avatar or anything.

It's amazing how many responses to my post target the halfass remark I put in my post, rather than the rest of the content...