
Sucker Punch made Fetch happen.

I mean straight female as in, that was literally one of the reasons publishers didn't pick it up was because she has a boyfriend and publishers didn't want players to "kiss a guy" because "that would be weird". It wasn't a matter of the game's quality, it was that they didn't want to publish it because the protagonist

I'm just going to fall back on the issue of Remember Me again. Publishers didn't pick it up because playing a straight female might make the audience "feel weird". There is an issue, and it's not where you're looking.

To that I have one response: Remember Me. The game had INCREDIBLE difficulty getting backed by a publisher for one reason: Female protagonist. Publishers just didn't want to touch it because they felt playing as a woman would make the potential audience feel weird.

It's unfortunate how the problem is still this bad, though I think it's worth mentioning the handful of small victories:

Uh.. what? Is this a satire article or something? It's a choice. He stated a fact. And it's not much of a jab given Kinectless One was announced a while ago.

There's probably something that'll be released this week as a "IT'S HERE NOW!" in an E3 keynote or something.

Sadly that seems to be just Amazon.com, so since I'm Canadian, no go :( I'll have to keep a look out, but thank you for the info regardless.

So uh.. who are the participating retailers? Where do I go to do this? Can't find that information anywhere.


My previous post was short and ill-thought out. I think I'd rather go into this fresh.. First, I'm disappointed. I'd hoped with the end of Lords of Shadow, that Igarashi would get to make another Castlevania again. I suppose, given the timing, he may have had the same hope. I'm glad he cut off though - Like many other

Welp. I've been a fan of the series for a long. Long time. Ever since CotM introduced me specifically. But I suppose this is it - the end. I disliked LoS for a number of reasons, and hope that a more skilled team hops on the series next.

I wonder why...

Keep thinking that I guess?

I didn't miss the point at all. What I'm saying is that all that's needed is some good audio/visual congratulation. (I'm heavily, HEAVILY against "career" multiplayer)

"Oh hey, I guess they added Danganronpa!"

I love them, but only if there's an Unreal Tournament announcer.

Agreed. I REALLY miss the Sam and Max episodes... I mean, they aren't true classics like Hit the Road, but damn. I'll take Sam and Max over virtually anything else.

I actually really liked Fable 3, except for the last 121 days.

That's not counting portable editions (generally horrible) or mobile games (there was that one okay one). The industry's track record with Transformers video games is not good.