So... What's keeping you from grabbing a copy of the trilogy on the Wii?
So... What's keeping you from grabbing a copy of the trilogy on the Wii?
Well, for starters, some of the really old cards are completely broken. They released them without realizing how powerful they would become compared to the rest of the cards. There are newer cards that have been banned from some of the more expensive formats like Modern or Legacy, but they’re usually cards that were…
Eh, it would be more interesting to think that they developed an entirely new protocol for it. Makes a lot more sense to take an existing electrical design and modify the container to make it more difficult to plug something else into it.
You mean Derelict Cummerbund?
Joke’s on you, they don’t buy cars any more because 40 $10 Uber rides per month might be slightly cheaper than a car payment plus insurance, gas, etc.
If you feel butthurt about spending $60 when other people are buying it for $40 just 6 weeks later, next time you buy a game from them wait until it goes on sale, don’t complain about it by joining in on the review-bombing.
Pretty sure aside from the helmets they’re dressed as Team Skull members from Pokemon Sun and Moon. Not sure if that makes it much better though.
PS Now is a streaming service. Your controller inputs are sent to an external server where the games run and are rendered, and the video output is sent back to your computer/device.
Having insurance means little when a typical hospital bill costs thousands of dollars and your insurance company (like all of them) only cover a portion. My spouse had a standard surgical procedure to have an unneccesary organ removed, and even with the insurance from her employer we had to pay multiple thousands of…
This former Republican hates government overreach and excessive regulation. Hence the word “former”.
Seems you might be interested in the Master Chief Collection. It has the full campaigns of Halo 1-4, plus Halo 3: ODST.
Not sure how you could review the game without once mentioning the complete lack of split-screen multiplayer, both pvp and campaign. In college, Halo was a ubiquitous hangout game, matched only by Smash in my social circles, and I’ve played through each Halo campaign prior to 5 with my spouse sitting next to me on the…
I once tried running Mass Effect on my old Pentium 4 desktop, which included a GeForce 2 MX200 AGP GPU. I did actually get it to run, but it was virtually unplayable at full lowest settings and 320x240 resolution.
Brick-and-mortar video game stores are fortunate to make more than 10% on new product. There was an article recently that talked about the struggles of non-GameStop stores, in no small part because they have to pay $55 wholesale for a game they’re going to turn around and sell for $60, until it suddenly drops in price…
Pretty much same here, except I use my PS4 controller using the 8bitdo Bluetooth adapter, which maps the giant touchpad in the center of the controller to the capture button. So whenever I try to hit the buttons mapped to “+” or “-” (“Options” and “Share”), my thumb inadvertently snags the edge of the touchpad and…
Did you even look at the stand listing? It folds up into a stick that looks to be about 1" x 1" x 12". Yes, it takes up some space, but not much compared to the rest of it.
Fallout 5 setting confirmed?
Hmm, I found subscriber data on Wikipedia. In 2013, when it topped out at 500m subscribers, the average online user count was only 48k, and the stats from 2011 to 2015 (the most recent available) closely mirror that ~10% online stat. There’s about a 50% bump (34k to 51k) in November 2016, when they introduced Alpha…
The CCU stats include unpaid Alpha accounts, so 29k subscribers may not be as unrealistic as you think
Nintendo has been selling video game consoles since 1984, and I would argue that they first noticed the nostalgia factor in 2001 with Super Mario Advance, which was effectively a remake of SMB2.