
How were you already at Vigil????????

This is the last GMG article I will click on for a long time.

This is the last GMG article I will click on for a long time.

At least where Microsoft is concerned, it’s another sign that it is practically just another iteration on the Xbox One, albeit an iteration where some games are exclusive to the newer version and won’t play on the old ones at all.

I switch it up about 50/50

Despite the fact that one is definitely a bigger dumpster fire than the other, they are still both dumpster fires.

I’m telling you that I understand that concept. But unless I’m mistaken, this is a different concept entirely. To quote the screenshotted tweet (with emphasis added by me):

I understand the idea of wanting to dodge a specific opponent, but from what it sounds like their odds of even advancing in the tournament were better with a loss than with a win, and that is the part that makes no sense to me.

I think my biggest question here is, in what kind of bass-ackward tournament is it even possible to improve your position by losing?  It seems so counter-productive to everything I know about tournament seeding.

The “asteroid” in question is 2018VP1, which is estimated to be 1.9-3.8 m in diameter. For comparison, the Chelyabinsk meteor that shattered a few windows as it was burning up in the atmosphere over Russia a few years back was an estimated 20 m in diameter.  Even if it does “hit”, at most it’ll be a small light

The “asteroid” in question is 2018VP1, which is estimated to be 1.9-3.8 m in diameter. For comparison, the Chelyabinsk meteor that shattered a few windows as it was burning up in the atmosphere over Russia a few years back was an estimated 20 m in diameter.

That’s a great narrative, but Phil Spencer doesn’t work for Nintendo and therefore doesn’t control Smash updates.

I have to assume that grocery stores will get creative with how they sell turkeys this year.

That event only confirmed that there are a whopping 2 “gamers” in Congress, out of a total of 535.  Sure, there are certainly a few others, but hardly enough to bring about actual change.

He didn’t mean “also” like “it’s happening in the US and also outside the US”, but rather “all of those points you brought up, and also it’s happening outside the US”. Somewhat awkward phrasing, sure, but the entire rest of the comment makes no sense at all if you read it the first way. Context clues are important.

There have been a few indie football games over the years, but sadly from what I’ve seen none have been worth picking up.

6 reports for a permaban is a surefire way to get a troll and 5 of his friends to revoke someone’s account.

Most all legitimate investment opportunities don’t guarantee returns that large.

I was with you until you suggested suicide.  No need for that.

There is no chance in hell that Hendrick drops to a 3-car operation unless they absolutely have to. He’ll run a full season with discounted backing from HendrickCars.com and various Chevy properties before closing it down entirely.

Honestly it sounds like the way to do it. Transfer anything that can into Let’s Go, and anything else directly into Home, since you can transfer from Let’s Go into Home as well.