
If you don’t play SwoSh, Home is pretty useless. If you play SwoSh casually or semi-seriously, you probably don’t need the paid Home subscription, unless Go transfers require it for some ridiculous reason. The only people who really need a paid Home subscription are those who breed a lot and want to have a full living

Still don’t understand how this isn’t common knowledge yet, but a big part of that is the difference between marketed storage space and how storage space is calculated by computers.

Don't forget Metroid Prime 1+2, even though it seems everyone else does

Now playing

I mean, they’re called “stans” for a reason.

And some of us find the pervasiveness of wearing MAGA hats and other paraphernalia on a daily basis bewildering. There have always been a handful of crazies that go beyond a lawn sign and a bumper sticker or two, but the fact that even living in a blue state I can count on seeing at least one MAGA hat every time I

I know that I am just one data point, but the XSX is very likely to be the first major console I pass on since the Dreamcast, mostly because of the trend of releasing most exclusives to PC.

More likely that Google paid your adblocker provider to whitelist certain types of ads, which is a disturbing recent trend.

Or... keep buying physical games so Sony knows there’s still demand for them, instead of allowing them to control the PlayStation games market entirely from within the PS Store.

A) We are getting close to the point where more 4K TVs are being sold than 1080p TVs.

For Facebook, at least, it’s less that they buy off the big ad blockers and more that they jump through increasingly complex hoops to obfuscate which posts are “sponsored” and which are real.

So, uh, I’m not saying that HowStuffWorks article is an unreliable source, but... according to it, there are 374 trillion sticks of chewing gum made every year”. If my math is right, that’s somewhere in the neighborhood of 50,000 sticks per year per person on the entire planet.

I guess people are just more gullible than I thought.  Like, of course they’re going to use any information that you freely offer them.

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. In at least one major western democracy, we only ban things if they cause moderate or substantial harm to corporate interests. We don’t care about “people” here, besides the corporations that are also “people”.

I’m willing to admit that I am occasionally influenced by advertising, but at least I’m aware of it and try not to let it influence my decision-making in the way the advertiser would want. For example, when I see an ad for KFC, I tend to get a craving for fried chicken, so I will go to Popeye’s or a local chain

I thought this was common knowledge. I uninstalled the Facebook app from my phone when they forked off Messenger from it (apparently in 2014) and I took a look through the permissions and was appalled at how much access they had. At that time, I went through my list of apps and removed just about anything that asked

I find it unlikely that they don’t already ban things like this in their Terms of Use. I’m sure Amazon’s lawyers are poring through everything right now and would expect to see a lawsuit filed within a few months or so.

“bro i don’t give af”, he said, while clearly giving af.

I recently bought a much more boring black one (still a Titan, though) because I injured my back doing something completely mundane a few months back and physically couldn’t tolerate sitting in my prior chair for more than an hour or two a day, meaning I could only work for an hour or two a day, and I can sit in this

To be fair, I played it a lot more in those first 5 years than the 10 years since, and it’s mostly been collecting dust right next to my Vita in a box for most of the last 5 or so years, but the replacement battery still isn’t bulging like my original battery was.

Apparently not on PC.