How much do you want to bet that Steven has never had to work hard at a job in his life and that he came from a privileged background?
How much do you want to bet that Steven has never had to work hard at a job in his life and that he came from a privileged background?
If only boys and men doing similar things to unconscious women would get at the very least the same treatment, rather than a 'she was asking for it'.
You think I can afford a drink on an airplane?
Indian girl here: my dad wears suits to travel in order to avoid harassment from airport security and 3 hour interrogations that cause him to miss his flights because "flying while brown". My mom and I wear dresses because we've endured YEARS of the same bullshit too. And this is not just flying domestically (I'm…
And since Kinja won't let me edit, pictorial evidence:
I'm 40 weeks pregnant (today's even the due date, although I think it's not happening today) and this experience has made me even more pro -choice. Pregnancy has cost me several job opportunities, it's severely limited my travel and mobility, and it's taken a toll on my health. And this is a very,very wanted child…
I just came back from volunteering at an abortion clinic. The protesters were terrible but I'm glad I did it.
Because you will find a decent person out there. I thought I was finished in my early 30s then an old friend came back into my life and we've now been married for 16 years.
Someone remind me again why I should ever, ever date anyone. Ever.
I met Emma once, before this all happened, and was impressed with her then. Now I am in awe of her strength, courage, creativity, and integrity.
Oh, god, I know, right?
Oh my god, you poor thing. I have a few crunchy granola birth books with chapters dedicated to "having your toddler in the birthing room." I don't know how these chapters aren't just a single page with the word "DON'T" written in large, bold font.
We had to watch a birth video at the hospital and the woman in the video was wearing a t-shirt saying "I heart tacos" during labor. I confess I was mesmerized. Why that t-shirt? Where would you buy that? Was it free or does she heart tacos that much? Was she not aware it was going to be taped? I focused on that and…
My baby's birth (she's 10 weeks old) was 23 hours and 100% natural. My husband and I had taken Bradley method classes to prepare, which is very focused on husband-coached labor. During labor I vomited twice, pooped all over the place, and had a mirror to see my vagina in all its glory during the pushing phase, yet…
ETA I don't know why this is so big...
Not a puppy, but he's in a blanket...
I couldn't even watch the whole thing, it was too disturbing to me. I'm glad they are being publicly shamed.
I went travelling, as so many do, in India with a couple friends after attending a good friends wedding in her hometown. We had a carefully planned itinerary that involved catching a train south along the west coast of India. Speaking nothing but English, we followed all the reasonable precautions and had a long…
On the last day of our drive from West Virginia to Seattle, my best friend and I stopped inside a seemingly ordinary gas station somewhere in Eastern Washington. Inside the bathroom, my friend—who ordinarily would not do such a thing—walked into a stall, gasped, and then called to me over all the other ladies in the…