Exactly what I was thinking!!! Especially in LA where they kill about 20.000 pets per year. The numbers are going down because more and more people are finally adopting from shelters and rescue groups.
Exactly what I was thinking!!! Especially in LA where they kill about 20.000 pets per year. The numbers are going down because more and more people are finally adopting from shelters and rescue groups.
What bugs me is that I believe Miley adopted her previous dog (and all her others) from rescues. She's apparently a decent decision maker, at least in regards to dogs. Too bad the same can't be said of her mother.
So much this. My partner and I can't adopt a dog at the moment for various reasons, so we do short-term foster for rescue dogs right now. We've had five dogs over the last year, all rescues and all gorgeous lovely pups. I have become a rescue dog evangelist and am now totally judgey when anyone I know buys a dog…
Yes! That's what I was going to post. Buying a dog. WTH
Please!!! Do not BUY dogs or cats. The shelters are overflowing. I got both my pure Maine Coons from the shelter. There are so many purebred cats and dogs looking for new homes, its just crazy to support puppy mills and backyard breeders. All shelter animals have been checked out for temperment, whereas with a…
I forced my BF to watch this movie when he was in his early 20s. His reaction to that whole scene was "Or they don't want to deal with period stains. I mean, how fucking stupid are white underwear?"
I had a very early miscarriage (I didn't know I was pregnant until blood work for something else came back, and my dr did the pregnancy test since I was a day late...I had to go in anyway, so she figured just do it just in case). So I go back to the doctor having already started my period, and discover I had been…
Steal some of his hair each time you see him and start making a life-size doll you can profess your love to every night.
Laverne Cox is an amazing woman who is committed to using her celebrity for social change. Not just with donations, but with her voice. Sometimes the use of one's convictions is more important and more impactful than empty donations. You cannot say that about the majority of public figures in this age.
I love Laverne Cox. She is so damn smart. I really admire the work she does for the trans community and in anti-incarceration activism (a favorite cause of mine). I often fantasize about what it would be like to be BFFs with her and Janet Mock. I feel like we would just get dressed up and go around town being fabulous…
Laverne Cox is so inspirational and great. She came to my university to give a lecture and I didn't want to skip class to go to it (we were already behind in this class due to snow days, or I might have just bailed it just that once), so I had to miss it and I was so disappointed! Has CPCC apologized to Andraya yet?
His actual problem, I would lay money on it, is that she is a black woman and he is accused of murdering a black woman. Facebook is just an excuse. I mean, don't you guys know that only white men have the privilege of being impartial?
Did you know that if you bury your tampon under a rosebush, an exact copy of you is born under that bush by the next full moon? Magical Menstruation Facts
Dodai, you guys should reach out to his wife Rose, to whom he's been married to for almost 15 years and with whom he has three children, including - wait for it - twins.
Definitely not the same as vaccination. That doc be trollin.
Hopefully the deceased wasn't reaching for Skittles, or else it would have been totally justified. Apparently.
This is actually the most reasonable comment in this whole discussion, in the sense that because you are dumb enough to be a Mets fan, it makes perfect sense that you are likewise dumb enough to hold that opinion about a player taking paternity leave.
I keep going back to what it must be like for that teenager to have to try to find the strength to speak up and fight back in that situation. He was literally fist fighting his stepfather when cops showed up.
Give that teenage so many medals!