just some dude

Cant wait to see the crew cab version, this just looks weird for some reason.

MPGs? Really?

The 2005 F-150?

It wasn't a catch because he was falling towards the ground when he gained possession of the ball (note he double clutches it before he gains possession).

Dude. CTS-V scores 6-10%. That's. Not. Right.

The first time a Bears DB didn't blow all season

Same kinda thing I was thinking...

the Lambroghini LM002, A SUV from the company that makes sleek low supercars.

In this case, it's an orange sheep.


Those prices on 7" double-DIN head units running Android, aren't expensive at all; you're just not used to seeing the prices of 7" double-DIN hardware.

That woman's body tho!

Yes, I will watch this woman walk in circles, for the rest of the day. Good gawd!

I am an ASE Master technician, a powertrain calibration engineer, and I also hold a US patent in evaporative emissions testing equipment.

It warms the car up to defrost your windows too...

That seriously depends on how cold it is, how high strung your engine is, and what you consider "driving". Oil gets thicker when cold (yes even modern oil), and thick oil is hard to pump. So if you engine needs oil sprayed on the bottom side of the pistons, it's probably not going to get that if the oil is below

You're not alone, window louvers ugly up cars. Sometimes I feel posters around here supporter questionable tastes just to do it, and not because they actually like it.

I would much prefer metal dash boards. That's what seatbelts are for.

Floor mounted high beams!!!

This is good. +3.14