
I’d happily take the shift tower assy out of a MK3. If I could find one...

That’s a gateway to doom... you invite the implication that because it’s past x time you can’t learn from it or fight it.

Not that I don’t agree. Just slippery slope.

Clearly you haven’t seen Peebee’s scene...either with FemRyder or BroRyder. Recycled anim same for both...

You clearly didn’t see Peebee’s scene...

Where did I say I was using wire for the rectifier? The rectifier itself is capable of it, not the input and output leads - those are sized appropriately for the ~240A output load. The input load is distributed 6 ways on each of the positive and negative leads, leaving each diode to handle . The bus bars are 1/4"

Where did I say I was using wire for the rectifier? The rectifier itself is capable of it, not the input and output

It’s a Copeland scroll compressor. Very, very low startup amperage needs compared to a standard recip compressor, and far more efficient running amps and lower noise levels as well. The entire unit maxes out at 18.6A @ 220v peak draw by the nameplate, I’ve measured a bit less even on hard-startup after a short cycle

It’s a Copeland scroll compressor. Very, very low startup amperage needs compared to a standard recip compressor,

Hell I skimmed the manual for my brand new work truck that I got on Friday today. Did the same thing on my personal truck that I bought back in November. It’s a matter of responsibility.

1800 watts is its peak. Meaning 15A max inrush current. Anything recommended for a 20A circuit (I.e. fridge, microwave) would max out this generator on inrush current...might work for a short duration, but not a good health plan on the generator or the fridge.

1800 watts is its peak. Meaning 15A max inrush current. Anything recommended for a 20A circuit (I.e. fridge,

Really, no. A quality built generator is going to have longer longevity PLUS better reliability even when stored. It’s also going to provide cleaner power, and run quieter and more efficiently.

I’ve been debating twinning some Honda (or similar) inverter generators for a while and putting in a transfer switch on my

Really, no. A quality built generator is going to have longer longevity PLUS better reliability even when stored.

A lot of them will actually let you get a menu if you hold the back button down. My Pixel is kind of strange though.

Hitting diesel alone sucks for the economy...

And my pocket. My diesel truck gets 30mpg (which was a large reason I chose the diesel) but 20% higher is still 20% higher. And you can bet diesel is going to get the brunt of it, not gasoline (or at least it always seems to!)

This sounds like a Deadpool bit...

I find the ones that auto-redirect the entire page into a redirect page on mobile insanely annoying. ABP or not, it renders a lot of websites unusable. And seems to spawn from either a banner ad or popup. I actually thought this was a security vulnerability that had been closed, but I guess not...seeing how someone

That’d be a two stage, there are also single stage variants. From what I remember, the engines are like B6-3 where B is the overall impulse strength, 6 is the thrust, and 3 is the delay before the ejection phase fires (0 is no ejector). Multi-layered cardboard tube with ceramic nozzles or plugs at the ends.


Same here. I picked up a clearance model with battery backup and the MyQ built in. It’s perfect in case a leaf blows in front of my sensors (happens annoyingly a lot...) or anything else that might make me forget to close it. I also like to open/close when I’m mowing the lawn, and I’ve already got my phone on me...so

Those two and Shannyn’s snippy cracks get me every time...

I’d much rather be considered GenX than grouped in with the shitty Millenials as I am... Wrong end of the decade :/

Bigass star for that one sir.

I’m actually quite sad how few people got this reference.

The replicant tests in the movie (and book) are all about emotional response, not physical appearance. In actuality, they boil down to reaction times - imperceptible to human, but not to machine.