
Actually they *were* vented rotors... More cross-breeze, sure...but they still suck air in the middle and exhaust it around the edges (watch the smoke, there’s a lot of air motion going on!)

and that plastique...

Now we need livestream cameras *inside* the NSC.

Statistically, heart attack.

Most varieties of wet wipes do not degrade like toilet paper does and tend to clog sewer lines.

I commonly test concrete, grout, soil, etc for work (i.e. super messy hands) and the smartwatch lets me see if that message I just got is urgent or not. Small case for it being useful, but 90% of the time that message is critical to someone in my case.

It’s not just me...there was an episode of Stargate SG-1 *just* like this, right...?

He may not, but I do actually. I drove ~1500 miles this week, and my clients may or may not pay the time it takes me to fill my tank depending on my schedule for the day. Therefore, it needs to be fast, efficient, and scalable for all vehicle sizes which just isn’t going to happen very fast in the US.

From experience (my last job got one of these just before I left) the fridge will allow any person who walks up to connect to any wifi network, including a phone hotspot. Home Depot’s connection was likely not used.

And yes, this goes for the demo models as well - Samsung originally had them just fixed to play a

Maybe not news to you, but I likely will never go there in my lifetime and this article provided a great insight into something I actually would’ve been far more interested in seeing...

Callaway in MO *almost* and I mean almost almost almost got approval to expand a few years ago before the sheeple decided that nuclear logo was scary. Never mind that the current plant’s been operating for decades with zero issues...

Pretty sure reinforced concrete would be fairly exceptional at preventing that...which is a likely measure considering this is an infrastructure building we’re talking about.

A buttload of force.

Yes, everyone else has said it, but 2 things:
1) your Sonoma actually holds up to 17.5 gallons. (I have two)
2) Be much more concerned with the wiring than the pump or fuel level. Most of the wiring on these trucks is undersized, and the fuel pump doesn’t ground anywhere near the tank for some reason - it grounds all

True. Concrete gets touchy though under breaking stress. I was stress loading concrete in a mesh cage (Compression strength testing) on Thursday and one was reaching about ~8400psi. It’s in a cage and I still do this every time one is pushing above 6000...because that stuff goes flying when it breaks, and it’s not

I know this is tongue-in-cheek, but in all seriousness...I’ve done plasma cutting barefoot in shorts too, with a shield, until a rogue spark flew out and burned the hell out of my foot.

You better bet I wear my (company mandatory, but still) hard hat and safety glasses on every commercial jobsite I’m on though. I trust

The interior side faces pressure without support, which is the main issue. Exterior surfaces are the better way to waterproof, unfortunately.

That being said, I’m assuming you’re using Drylok? If you’re not, try the Extreme. New formulation, not that I ever had complaints with the original, but still...

Pre-dates me... most of my non-current concert experience is the ‘90s and early ‘00s, i.e. Tull, Yes, Crimson, and ELP...
I do feel the ‘00's really pushed good stage design way to the back. It’s a shame, really...

Not even all that cool...try Trans-Siberian Orchestra’s sets and staging sometime. They get more ambitious every year...

Not sure the luck anyone else is having, but the Steam Link is not showing as available from Amazon, and the lowest price is showing the upper 70's not anywhere near 35...even through the link.

Not sure the luck anyone else is having, but the Steam Link is not showing as available from Amazon, and the lowest