

Good to see someone else actually trying to spread the good word instead of the propaganda bullshit against nuclear.

So did Musk.

Let’s be fair, Futurama already said the best one.

Are you kidding me?! If this could be tweaked to correct my colourblindness, SIGN ME UP.

If people would stop freaking out about irradiating food it wouldn’t be so perishable...check out how it’s commonplace in Europe and milk doesn’t even need to be refrigerated...

This was actually noticed in my grade school alllll the way back in 1996 (damn you all for reminding me that it’s been 10 years since I was in 2nd/3rd grade...). I still remember them bringing in water coolers, the permanent ones being roped off for several weeks while the plumbing in the entire building was replaced.

Came for this. Was not disappointed.

I think this case was more “We fixed exactly what you asked us to, you didn’t ask us to do anything else”.


Try that guy. Sink comes with cutting boards, a wet work surface, and 6 prep bowls, with a rack to store it all. THAT is the overly complex cutting board I want :D

Actually water hits a point as it freezes where it expands, and then it contracts again from that point and colder. It’s really funky.

Also, not really a spoiler, but the terrain does change as you progress through the game.

Yeah, don’t wait. I played through the campaign with utter satisfaction, and have since been flip flopping between the two. It’s perfect for when you’re tired of the settlement and searching grind.

Can’t agree more. I actually liked all of the DLC.
On ME2 - MAKE SURE YOU GET Arrival DLC. Adds a TON of play time and some great story detail.

Saywhat? I’ve done at least a dozen playthroughs and never had an issue with this?

I was honestly more put off by the control changes...makes it really difficult to just go through and rapid replay.
The ammo never really bothered me, although I wish they would’ve just called them ‘heatsinks’ not ammo.

Or that the material would enhance the properties of, of course...

Epic troll, +1. Trying to stack on...ehhh...

To be fair, the Total Recall ‘foreshadowing’ is the underlying question that defines the entire plot - is it real, or is it the memory?

Even if they controlled the blanks what stops someone from just filing an off the shelf key? Buying one lock to break into thousands is still a solid strategy...