
Both my grandparents have in their wishes that their bodies be given to a university for study... The university, when finished with the remains, either buries or cremates the body per wishes. Didn’t find this out until my grandfather died recently and I can definitely say it’s what I’m going to do if they’ll have

Can’t agree more. I got some for free when I started getting it shipped in to sell at work. Gave a few out for demos, and in a full year I’ve sold....wait for it.... ZERO. It’s hideously expensive crap! I used it to fix a barcode scanner I had that the cord was fraying on, but if it wouldn’t have been with a free

No stats on how common it is, but even with the slate wiped clean by the tornado in Joplin, MO in 2013 electric and phone/etc remained above ground...due to poor underground structure. In this case, galena mining has undermined most of the town in varying degrees...the college parking lot caved in (Yup, most of the

How has nobody else mentioned the parallel with Caprica?

New Cap City...

It also depends on the timeframe of the dose. Not a huge amount here, as 16mSv is still tiny, but could play into it.

It’d make emergency evacuation....fun.

Carbon-fiber / Kevlar layered shell with Aerogel between the layers? Super light, and should protect well... theoretically. At least in my head. So probably not.

Ultimate cheat.... shields. Plus a tuned mass damper (or set of them) for the main barrel to counteract the recoil...or railguns :D

I think there are actually dollar value limits AND vendor restrictions. I’m not privy to the full details of the restrictions, but in this instance we were actually buying from an approved vendor but the purchase was still declined because the dollar amount was too high. Fun stuff.

Bad controls on the business side.... our purchase cards wouldn’t even let us buy office chairs without expressed corporate approval. Annoying for us, but secure.

Local emissions programs still fall under the guidance of federal emissions laws. If the EPA says you can drive your car, the local authority has to accept that they have tolerances in place for those vehicles and temporarily allow passes (Especially with an impending recall...) They’re also usually basing the testing

Good to see I’m not the only one that goes nopenopenopenopenope when a Controller is anywhere nearby...

I still remember mine, just haven’t used it in about 8 years...

Futurama? Where’s the Bioshock reference?

uhhh... then the switches wouldn’t have worked anyway? :D

That or shaking it to get a random MP3. Loved my Walkman slider.

I just meant ‘Cletus’ sounds more like a name that would come from a /city/ hit by a tornado, aka one that would be naming it. Just my 2c though.

Unfortunately they just name tornados by the city or strength though...

Wait for your actual wedding...

That sir, is all I noticed....

Good to know that:

Good to know that: