
It's probably the best one out there imho... I have one sitting in a box in my garage, used to use it to play BF2 with the jets. Not so much anymore, it's been out there for two years now...

Aww cmon you should've let him freak for a bit...

I always love how every 'fire' denier neglects the fact that the wind blowing into that gaping hole = blowtorch. Am I the ONLY one that played with fire made by flammable liquids as a child?!

Or dealing with any Ruskies...

Holy crap I actually kind of miss that alarm... Only one that ever reliably woke me up, and mine got fried in a lightning strike...

I loathe my work UI - it's a stripped down build of firefox on thin clients... being native to tabbed browsing it drives me nuts how everything pops up in new windows instead of new tabs...so you may have hit on something here.

Not so far, no... I'm half a country away (MO) by the looks of it lol

My homepage opens Gmail, Giz, and Facebook... on my comic reading days (usually MWF) I immediately open at least 10-20 more. Even my phone usually has 5+ open at a time when I'm using it.

Hence his "more modular" concept. My guess: Too expensive to be cost-effective as a design, especially adding complexity to something already fairly complex.

Actually I wouldn't mind having one at work. We charge 25 iPhones daily - and their only opporunity to charge is from 9-10pm to 6-7am. That's a lot of little bricks.

Someone creating a new company played a bit too much (or just the right amount of) Zork...

Aaand its back.

Funny. I have ATT Distribution lines running through both sides of my yard. I just want to dig them up and tell my neighbors to put their lines in their own damn yards lol


Hmm actually never heard of that one. My time was '03-07.

But... Will it run Pimpin? (Can't believe I still even remember that game... Got us all in so much trouble in high school...)

My name is Logan and I approve this message.

Used to have my favorite nuclear power plant too... Ignalina was the only one I knew of with a live readout of current turbine speed, etc online. Wasn't a fan of the reactor design, but I found that awesome.

I play games so I don't have to deal with normal people on a daily basis...

I swapped my recessed lights throughout the house with a 65W Soft White 3pk LED I got at Lowe's for about $33 a pack last year. The colour and brightness is excellent AND they're dimmable. Not smart...but my house is well laid out in terms of switches and a wall timer, I can't imagine needing a smarter lighting