
They used one of these temporarily in St Louis when replacing two bridges (divided highway). Worked decently for traffic too.

Ahem. It's also more than just a concept and it was oddly well-built. Just wish it wasn't marketed strictly towards people who didn't know where to spend their massive amounts of money...

Screen resolution is a big one too. I LOVE my HP Touchsmart TM2-2050US (Swivel and fold capactive touch), but the 1366x768 resolution is the bane of my existence and probably the main reason I never get much use out of it. If it was 1080p, I probably would've been far more happy with it - and yet most of the

And this is why I find it so difficult to start on my Cerberus Spirit armor...

Or, as is common with news, now that one huge story has broken, all of the smaller, related stories are being brought to the forefront more prominently to live off of the hype of the last one.

Just a theory. But I've been seeing it more and more as news gets less...news and more sensationalist.

Confimation bias is one thing, but every year I get a flu shot I get MUCH sicker than if I don't. I haven't used a single sick hour until this year in over 5 years of full time with the company I'm at. Of note? I didn't get a flu shot this year, and the strain I got is highly likely to be not covered, as the

Bit of explanation on #4 - I've always had a BW cap, rather annoyingly low ones at that - wether in college, at home, etc - just none of the providers I've had access to had unlimited bw. This month I had to knock my download of an old 60's to 80's tv show to very low speeds (just to keep it going) because I bought

Well that escalated quickly...

Sue me, but that's pretty wasteful...and lazy. If you can't be bothered to screen your own torrents as you're downloading them, it's your own fault for getting fakes and you have nothing to complain about... (I'm not saying this viciously, just somewhat point-of-fact)

That's rediculously high... I don't think I've *ever* deleted a torrent for being "fake". Low quality, sure...but never a fake. TPB, IH, KA...

I was a skeptic but it's handy for hot water for tea, as well as quick coffee in the mornings. I, like others, use the refillable mesh pods instead of the rediculously overpriced ones - and especially of late I've gotten into the habit of tossing my travel mug under, hitting the button, then packing my lunch - to


I still made $12k/yr when I was 16 going to high school... that's definitely not my biggest problem with that story lol.

Logan's Run was actually slated for a remake - And yes, I have a vested interest in it because I was named Logan thanks to that movie. It's been in and out of production hell, at one point even suggestedly having DiCaprio playing Logan. Honestly I thought it would come out far before Ender's Game would (as they

In all seriousness - on the voiceover, I go from thinking it's Benedict Cumberbatch at the beginning, slowly shifting to Davros at the end.

True. Just saying, ignorance is a synonym for idiocy...so it fits :D

Sorry, but anti-vaxxers have zero proof I've seen thus far besides a widely discredited medical research project that lost the lead his license to practice. GMO's also just have a bad name thanks to Monsanto...I'm not even going to get STARTED on that.

Works on mine too. Galaxy S4 again latest version.

Can't agree more. Then again, I'm addicted to playing Sentinel so ME2 I have a hard time finding great armor...and ME3 I play to death until I can pick up the Cerberus Spirit Armor...and then I never look at *anything* else.

He's picking the wrong fight too. Gotta pick on Tali to really stir up the shit.