

We need Cave Johnson to make the ad for this.

That 'Here's to a universe of astronauts..." is right up his alley.

Didn't see it in the comments... but the St Louis Science Center has had what I'd call the best IMAX experience for years at the Omnimax theater. Bonus: You can actually watch the tech threading the film and everything before your movie starts, because the entire projection room is surrounded by glass and is in the

Coming from nearly my entire working life being in places that do price matching, I'd refuse the sale on the grounds that we probably paid the customer over $200 to buy the product from us. I highly doubt any of my management would disagree with me over the years... and the only times I've *ever* sold below cost on

Now playing

I almost died when I heard this. For most of the game if you've got her as a squadmate her voice flips from /her/ voice to just the flat unfiltered voice from her VA. I got over the control swap pretty quickly (Swapped it to its alternate in settings - worked like a charm. I do still habitually hit reload after

How about fixing Tali's voice in 1. That'd be a nice damn start...

As someone who's had this happen, that all depends on your bank. I was a student with a OneAccount (which I rather vehemently protest anyone considering now). They refused to counter the charges and refund the fraudulent charges (and associated overdraft fees). It took me over a month and a hell of a lot of

Powerline adapters suck. There, I finished it for you...

Powerline adapters suck. There, I finished it for you...

No love for the LOKI Mech at Prometheus Station (Overlord DLC?) that freaks out when you shoot its arms off?

Kidding, of course - Legion is the best. I was beyond pissed when I made some iffy choices on my attempted Renegade playthrough (read:fail - just can't be that much of an asshole lol) and lost his loyalty. Now

I really, really wanted her. Before or after she cracked, she was still awesome.

This. World water shortages and we're making a sweating building that won't work in most climates to do much more than knock a few degrees off. Brilliant...

Sorry, FemShep was my first run... HeShep + Liara then Tali was WAY better.

Please fix where it says the showerhead shutoffs fully shut off the flow. They don't, and they're not allowed by International Plumbing Code to do so for safety reasons (Notably they screw with anti-scald protection)

This is coming from someone who is unfortunately faced with people who WANT this on a daily basis, and

Ah, the amazing shielding properties of....water. Rolla, MO has a test reactor like this too...we actually got to use it for experiments in my Chem class there.

It's all relative though... I mean we're moving at rediculous rates of speed through space, but relative to our personal surroundings...not really. Same for them...

Love it, but honestly nothing as badass as an emergency surface.

Not reasonable and that's one exclusive network. What about the rest of my viewing needs? Another $250 pack?

Or simply a chemical cartridge...

This was the same problem the Kyocera Echo had. I bought one of those on the assumption that more apps would be made that simply supported it, not knowing at the time how much this was actually asking for.

Correct me if I'm wrong - but why not have the suit be put ON while heated, then when the heat is removed it shrinks back to fit?