

My point exactly - fun ride, but then what, right?

Living in SW Missouri myself, my only question - how does this actually prevent the "wearers" from, let's face it, being blown away?

Tornado shelters are large, heavy, concrete and steel structures, usually below-ground or well anchored. This thing's going to turn into a wind sail, so you'd better design a tether into

Especially with a flame stack...

That's just...awesome.

I'd suggest a Quarian...but apparently those suits need air conditioners...and just smell like sweat, why would you ask anyway?

I restart neither my phone or computer enough to need this... I feel like someone's doing something wrong here...uptime used to be something to be very proud of.

Thank you for proving all of my points. *slow clap*

Besides what you see from LTRand below, clearly you have never BEEN to the North St Louis area. For most St. Louisans, it's a no-go zone unless you know exactly which areas are good and which aren't.

I played Candy Crush using the screen cast ability - ended up just looking at my phone, mostly...if that helps your curiosity. Can't speak for tablets, but the phone ends up better as a remote than an input device.

After quite a bit of shopping, we got a Chromecast for the simple ability to stream Netflix. It's not limited to that though - I can pull up media from my server (say, a movie). Since you can stream your active Android display or PC though - it's pretty unlimited in usefulness, although from my experience my WiFi

The absolute best way to deal with these people? Exactly how Panic! at the disco did. Find a reasonable, yet objectionable to the rediculous beliefs of those offending you charity to donate to - every time an act is done, donate to said charity.

I'm always amazed at how many people don't use Alt+PrintScreen...

As someone greatly bullied when they were in school, I didn't take his post as trolling. You're never going to be able to eliminate the root of that problem, folks - no matter how many nice people you have in the world, there's always an asshole.

Skype. It's really going to go the same way as Thermos, it's going to become genericized.

Induction CFL's aren't anything new. Various companies have been producing them for at least a decade now, cost has always prevented them from catching on until now.

It's not actually about shielding, it's about removal and decontamination. The largest threat of the Sarcophagus is that it will collapse, and it's the massive release of, shockingly enough, DUST, that is the big threat. The new structure is pretty much hermetically sealed (as the Sarcophagus was never designed to

I actually prefer the Georgia Pacific lid...

Look at the back of the raft in the shots as it flys by - there's actually a dangling hook.

Mordin and Thane both. Thane's last wish being a prayer for me, not for himself - and then Mordin not only saying that but SINGING to his death. Epic awesomeness of a Reaper being taken down by a Thresher Maw, and then bam right down as low as you can get. Not. Cool.