
I work at Lowe's and contacted the PR for the team. They said they didn't do OR because they thought average user would feel more comfortable with an iPad, but they are considering OR in the future. This is possibly a future store attraction as well.

I've been wishing Lowe's Corporate would switch to LED for replacements for years - imagine what a single company as large as Lowe's or Home Depot requesting new bulbs for their store chain (or districts) alone would do to the price equilibrium point. Sure it'd pop up for a while but after the ramped up manufacturing

Try again. Reprocessing facilities exist now, and if we'd all stop being such Greenpeace balkers, we could employ breeder reactors and the like to reduce this radioactive waste to highly manageable levels.

Top 5 missed facts (although I love this project getting publicity - it needs it):

Not the first time it's happened down there either, with similar results.

You sir, have won the internet.

That's where I did all my trick-or-treating as a kid. We lived too far out and that place rocked for it. It's been dying for a -long- time now, even back then it didn't have less than 5-10 empty spaces at all times...

Same here. My laptop is pretty much permanently docked at my desk as I've built it into being a desktop with a built-in battery backup.

I seem to remember a perfectly empty mall in my somewhat-hometown of St. Louis - Crestwood Plaza, that would be excellent for training exercises considering it's about to be razed...