
Appropriately enough, it was the perfect Jalopnik car. A Peugeot 504 diesel wagon, manual, and light brown / beige.

Buddy of mine has a 2005 GT with about 135k miles on it. That car gets driven everywhere. And God is it fun to drive...

If it had a diesel with a manual, you’d be pooping your pants.

$550,000 sounds like a lot until you compare that to the price of it’s sister ship, the USS Gerald R Ford which would cost you just shy of $13billion. In that light $550K is a steal for a boat.

Looked like the carpal’d his arm under the tire.

Is this ulna-ther pun thread?

He should have wrist-strained himself more.

That not very humerus.

It looks like he’s going tibia okay.

The Corvette doesn’t need to be at a Cars and Coffee event to take down an innocent bystander. And it’s strapped down!! Now that’s a car.

Uh, you know that’s the line from Airplane, right?

It’s in the Declaration of Independence:

Is that a basting brush?

Yeah, that is REALLY slow. F1 Boston has indoor tracks and they go 45 mph, including a downhill corkscrew that goes under the top layer. There’s a track for children at a mini golf course closer to me and they go about 15 mph. It was fun to drive when I was 8 years old, but it’s pretty boring these days.

So sitting in your own metal box stuck in freeway gridlock isn’t all that awesome either. At least on public trans you can read, listen to music/podcast/etc and you don’t have to wear-and-tear your own vehicle. I got a ton of reading done on a streetcar in Boston for a number of years. I really enjoyed that.

Have you considered maybe not owning Fords?

I wouldnt trade driving for public transportation. To be huddled like rats in moving boxes on someone elses schedule.

I learned something new today.

The comments here are kind of harsh. We were all dumb rich kids once. Who among us hasn’t totaled two exotics worth half a million dollars, fled the scene of the accident, left our passport behind in the wreckage, and had the entire incident captured on two different videos only to have them both uploaded to

3.1 seconds is also the amount of time it takes for the car to depreciate by $20,000 after you buy it.