

Clearly this car delivery guy has a day job and just delivers cars on the side.

Good drugs in Baltimore?

Why are you being so mean?

I bet the handling was dodgy.

That was pretty intrepid of her.

you had me at popcorn

Yea I’ve got some BlackBerrian Tires that are really secure also.

Am I doing this right?

Was there a Fast and Furious film marathon last night?

7- Spent remaining money on cases of male syrup

I’m not a whipped mofo.... I am a T-Rex!!

You guys really need to maintain COTD. If there are thoughts of no longer doing it, I think you are seriously underestimating its importance. Too many websites these days are shutting down or diminishing their comments sections because they have become filled with mostly belligerent political extremists. That is what

Well, those >could< just be my cataracts...

What clouds?

There’s a difference between going for the best track speeds and actually having fun daily driving.

“I just want to assure everyone that this Google/Pentagon research project is only that: A research project to assess the viability of using AI for analyzing drone footage. There are no plans to implement any results of this project into AI controlled military hardware.”

As seoultrain said it’s all about high rpm. To reach extreme RPM’s you need lightweight components. Very lightweight internals, pistons with tiny skirts and rings which are good for low friction and high rpm but bad for longevity. Also, low friction coatings are sometimes used but these don’t last forever. Sometimes

Long live snap oversteer!

Ummm, welcome to 2010?