Was there a Fast and Furious film marathon last night?
Was there a Fast and Furious film marathon last night?
7- Spent remaining money on cases of male syrup
I’m not a whipped mofo.... I am a T-Rex!!
You guys really need to maintain COTD. If there are thoughts of no longer doing it, I think you are seriously underestimating its importance. Too many websites these days are shutting down or diminishing their comments sections because they have become filled with mostly belligerent political extremists. That is what…
Well, those >could< just be my cataracts...
What clouds?
There’s a difference between going for the best track speeds and actually having fun daily driving.
As seoultrain said it’s all about high rpm. To reach extreme RPM’s you need lightweight components. Very lightweight internals, pistons with tiny skirts and rings which are good for low friction and high rpm but bad for longevity. Also, low friction coatings are sometimes used but these don’t last forever. Sometimes…
Long live snap oversteer!
Ummm, welcome to 2010?
This sounds like the basis of a joke my 7-year-old would tell.
Free market means they’re free to not do it also. I don’t drive for Uber, because I chose not to.
Like a boss bus.
I stole his and yours too, biatch
Can someone photoshop that person out of the picture so I can see that Syclone better?
If she needs something pointy haphazardly tossed into her rear end call me.
I think that the damage to the purchaser of the car goes way beyond what the article is saying about simply value. If the odometer is set on, say, a LaFerrari, from 1,500 to zero, it’s still basically a new car so the only damage would be the value. However, if you buy something like a 458 which was reset from 20-25k,…
You know, I like cars and enjoy reading sites like this, but I’m far from a gear head. I found this very informative. Thanks!