
Q: What do you get when you put $4700 into a $2300 Crown Vic?

The guards had been diverted with a clever ruse of Girl Scouts offering cookie samples. I had a few minutes before their sweet tooths (teeth? That’ll have to be a question for the scholars) were satisfied.

Damn, what is wrong with you.

Wonderful fucking timing Lockheed!! I just purchased a SR-71 last month! You know what, fuck the 72. I’m just going to wait for the 73.

Not just a 911, but a gt3 in the snow. My hero.

you never had it! you never had your car!

CP for me. Appears the air bags have been deployed.

I’m willing to bet most of these people who disapprove of your opinion on the matter, Jason, are those who don’t live somewhere it gets cold enough.

True on flat ground, but on a slope you will continue traveling downward after landing, minimizing Delta v. People have landed jumps from well over 100 feet on skis.

Wow, that is shocking!

That’s a Kia, not an Infiniti.

Now you know why they named it the Soarento.

You seem nice.


Not everyone lives where there is always traffic to pace to.

I was once pulled over going 115 mph in the desert northeast of Los Angeles. It was night, it was dark, and I was unused to driving through deserts (I’m a New York City boy, born and raised). There was no other traffic. I had literally no idea that I was going that fast. If you’d asked me for my speed, I probably

More gauges, please!

Tires Mushy, Pressurize Soon

I learned to take Andrew with a grain of salt when he suggested on camera in LA that Jeep had never made full-sized trucks.