
You seem nice.


Not everyone lives where there is always traffic to pace to.

I was once pulled over going 115 mph in the desert northeast of Los Angeles. It was night, it was dark, and I was unused to driving through deserts (I’m a New York City boy, born and raised). There was no other traffic. I had literally no idea that I was going that fast. If you’d asked me for my speed, I probably

More gauges, please!

Tires Mushy, Pressurize Soon

I learned to take Andrew with a grain of salt when he suggested on camera in LA that Jeep had never made full-sized trucks.

Ok old man ;)

I’m an engineer and I can spell well, along with several other words, just fine. Trust me.

Dude got a free Hellaflush and camber kit!

Where is this going to go besides cars and coffee? Come on.

You forgot brown + diesel.

An outside camera happened to snap a photo of the thieves from a different angle earlier:

How do they unload the loot then? Is it really compact merchandise they can stuff in their hoodie, or do they throw it onto the shoulder?

I see Toretto and team are still at it...

This is one of my favorite songs of all time.

well, that’s just...

Fellow Jalops (especially deskchair critics) who haven’t driven an E60 (the one with the V10) are welcome to drive mine anytime you’re in Seattle, provided the traction control stays on (or at least in M Dynamic Mode). It’s impossible to dislike it once you’ve been behind the wheel. Favorite car I’ve ever owned. I’ve