CleverNameHere dba "Black Rod"

More like ‘a way of life.



This is the perfect comment, chef’s kiss.

There’s definitely been a online one-upmanship of how far back the precipice can be set, an arms race to declare that Actually, I disliked the Simpsons before it was cool.

Harsh! I say Season 11 is squarely in the uneven-but-still-pretty-ok range. Along with prescient McGwire, it had tomacco, Maude’s death, the caretaking of Mr. Burns’ mansion, Bart to the Future, and Behind the Laughter.

We all chuckled when Mark McGwire triumphantly bellowed Do you wanna know the terrifying truth, or do you wanna see me sock a few dingers?” to the people, but it turned out he was just ahead of his time.

The appropriate game metaphor for that game would have obviously been a Battle Chess slaughter where everyone on the Jets is systematically murdered. They should really have versions of that ready to go for every matchup if it turns into a blowout. 

I completely disagree, the last thing baseball needs is a scandal involving performance enhancing hugs.

This is no worse than Josh Allen seeing spooks.

Adam Gase’s beard is the male coach’s equivalent of the Elizabeth Holmes voice, right? 

Now starting at Left Tackle...Pierre Delecto.

This is a horrible poem.

Never have I seen a QB play like this.

You are mother fucking right it did!

I’m a Rockies fan. Three of our guys, from last year, are on the Yankees this year with one of them being an All-Star. I hate that it’s forcing me to root for The Yankees, but at least I can root for The Nats in the World Series because of Parra.

I just can’t hate these Yankees the way I hated them in ‘04. There aren’t as many awful personalities, their owners are jerks but not nearly in the legendary way George was. They keep coming back from numerous injuries and bad luck.

Captain Cheeseburger! To Jamaica via Cooperstown. Full steam ahead!

Yeah, sure, but also fuck the Yankees.