CleverNameHere dba "Black Rod"

I’m surprised at this anti-Bulgaria post.

JA-son GARR-ett clap-clap clap-clap-clap

“We reached out to Curt’s friends, MAGAgirl07898714 and PepeNotRazist8761412, and they told us via DM...”

Ah, thank you! You have correctly caught that I was not 100% literal in my statement, and therefore I deserve your insults and pedancy.

Nothing says “We know business” like shutting down a politics site just as election season is about to begin.

I’m old enough to remember when a) Bill Clinton ran a budget surplus in the late ‘90s b) that turned into an enormous deficit when W put Iraq and Afghanistan on the credit card rather than raise taxes to pay for them c) Republicans had no problem with that d) Obama took office e) The Republicans declared the national

Now now, this is somewhat unfair, because we don’t actually know if Ellen would choose not start a needless war that would both morally and financially bankrupt America because of vague, made-up reasons. What if they really DO have more in common than we realized?

While seemingly unrelated, this is really the second version of this morning’s Matt Lauer story: If you allow someone to act however they want without consequences, they inevitably start doing worse things.

Huh, a guy who didn’t get slapped on the wrist for waving his dong around the office eventually graduates to rape of a coworker, I’m shocked, SHOCKED.

Hard to believe noun-verb-9/11 would have such trouble expressing complicated thoughts.

Beer: Zero

Liz Warren was straddling Marine Todd, can confirm.

OK, but I was in a hipster coffee shop this morning and everyone was whispering about how bad this is for Democrats, so ...

Aw, kiddo, just you wait until people start chuckling at Trump’s jokes in 2023 and letting him off the hook and saying “Gosh, he wasn’t so bad, he’s just funny!” as he gets some reality TV show gig on NBC.

Anyone who says there’s no class consciousness in America has never seen two rich people in a room together.

You say infuriating, I say life-saving.

They care about the political ramifications. If they win on abortion, they’re going to have to give those people — and that’s what the party sees the Christian right as — something else, which they don’t want to do.

Besides the need to fix/ignore/shred the Constitution to make that happen: They need it as a carrot to keep those voters in line.

This is completely untrue. The NBA absolutely cares about Andrew Jackson and Ben Franklin and Chairman Mao and other people who appear on currency.

Because that is the base of the Republican party: It’s a cultural complaint in search of a political solution.