Curley's Reanimated Wife

How the fuck are people just overlooking that this middle-aged man is calling somebody “Tar Baby Brian”? Why are people trying to reason with this fool?

I was hoping you would surprise me, and be an Italian guy who was staunchly against all racial slurs, but, nope, you inserted your own shit into the mix, false equivalencing like a mug.

Why the head covering for the Vatican, but not for the Saudis?

Came here to post this. But maybe that’s his allure? Everyone else, no matter the demographic, political leaning, etc., is responsible for actions.

I resent the implication that malice and cat explanations are mutually exclusive.

Yes, love Spacey, but he does get chewy at times.

Horror of horrors. I cannot see him transferring power to anyone. What would that look like?

Wasn’t that the U.S. Open where Serena was fined for going off on the line ref?

Oof. This almost feels like a troll, given the post.

I am an old-ass woman, and I started hyperventilating when I saw the headline of this post. She is a friggin’ queen. I’m more psyched about this than Beyoncee’s forthcoming.

I wanted this to be remarked upon in the post!

100% agreed. “Blitzkrieg” is a fair enough military strategy, but one has to be prepared for the fallout. If Trump’s doing this was for protection and safety of Syrians, whence the ban? Where the aid?

“If our hair is relaxed, white people are relaxed. If our hair is nappy, white people ain’t happy.” Paul Mooney is the first person I heard say that, although it seems a common enough maxim.

Hamilton and Obama, these are two of my favorite things.

I wish more people alluded to this most wondrous of memes.

This is the fucking truth.

This is like seeing your ex-boyfriend out with Chrissy Teigen, when the only rebound you’ve snagged is David Brent.