
Russian future military spending pronouncements are Canadian Girlfriend levels of BS.

That GIF gets funnier the longer you watch it.

For the love of everything holy and good do not pre-order these things, Samsung is a company you want to see if this is the “Good Samsung” or the “We Sh*t the Bed Samsung”. Oh and stop tryin’ to make Bixby happen, It’s not going to happen.

Good Boi owned by Bad Person, who should be in jail already.

Our body wasn’t ready for this.

Do you have to pay royalties to Bill Simmons for this bit?


Coach Chaw is supposed to be teaching Algebra, but trust me you are getting 40 minutes of Longhorn trivia. 

Que the “Every single thing you said was wrong” Star Wars Meme. Yeesh. .

“Lack of institutional control” Remember when the NCAA enforced this a few billion dollars ago.

Pill popping legacy kid who inherited his team from his venal father says more dumb stuff, tens shocked.  

This will look great as the new Outback.

Full Wrath of Kahn mode engaged.

Norovirus has a posting account now?

and condition (Dealer: it was a just small fire, and now the car smells like your childhood camping trips!)

This is delightful.  That picture alone is like a 100 Bron subtweets. 

Jesus, is Belichick just straight up fucking with us now? “I will beat you with a 42 year old QB who is kind of a weirdo, and this terrible human being of a coach who is hated by every former team of his”.

Each of those owners got their money/team from their fathers, its almost like the NFL has a legacy kid problem. . .

Toyota Prius” wait, what?

It’s not very good for you, and now that its available everywhere in large quantities the forbidden fruit aspect is gone too.  Now its revealed as just another garbage food people grew addicted to as kids. That also may be ruining the planet too.