
Having run out of crowds to attack, the Mustangs finally turned on each other. It was the End Times the prophecies foretold.

the problem with the Kleptocracy is that it often only funds things to steal the money- so unless Putin and Pals are getting the $$ for the boat, then may not make many of them. That said, this is very expensive and producing capability (shooting cruise missiles) better provided by Jets and Mobile Launchers (absent WW

What’s with all the terrible article titles as of late? Its like click-bait Madlibs filled in by 14 year olds. It really does Chris’ story no favors at all (which is a shame as I found it to be well written).

Meth is a hell of a drug. . .

the rating show how much people didn’t like the Peter Capaldi version of the show, but did like Dr. Who.  Especially back to the multiple protagonists of the Matt Smith / Ponds era.

Kobe zealous fans are like Trumps- they will ignore/excuse anything he does or did.  Not sure how two of the world’s most unpleasant people pulled off that magic trick. . . .

Add in insanely overzealous speed enforcement (for revenue collection purposes) which means fast driving on the roads is going to get you tickets and $$$$$ insurance. Also lots of local tracks now offer instruction for those who do want to “take it to the track”.   Plus Chump and Lemons.  Result- old school racing

Russian armament announcements are the Canadian Girlfriend of military contractor PR.

lol “we won’t forget” says the player from the division’s doormat.

All these younger golf guys are all swole and can’t control their tempers now. I am sure that’s just a coincidence. . .

my tl/dr: Any Coleman/Capaldi NuWHo is the worse of the lot, and should be watched last (if at all). Frankly Capaldi was sub-par far too long into his run, and probably was a poor choice, poorly written. Coleman was propped up by Matt Smith and cratered without him IMHO.

Toto has been Hamilton’s plaything after he punked him repeatedly ignoring his team orders to stop sabotaging his teammate and the team ownership backed Hamilton over Wolf. Now he just pretends to run things and collects checks. That’s Hamilton’s team and they do want he wants, when he wants.

Real time press leaks, this truly is a once a generation executive branch disaster. I feel like in 20 years, people will think we were exaggerating. . . .

Bush v. Gore says differently

Wiggins is English- is that while there is a cycling photo taken in the US? Or just photo search “British Flag + Sport”?


When he is fired the first Monday after the season, he will try and get a media job. At least he is over 40.

So it turns out the move to NY which everyone called “idiotic” was in fact an “Idiotic and Expensive Failure”.  Who would have thought the genius behind “Let’s call everything Q” had bad ideas? 


Yeah the premium only thing is a bit of a bummer, but it is what it is.