
That’s some quality Clickbait by that author- I imagine them tenting their fingers and doing the C. Montgomery Burns “Excellent” as the anger and views rise apace of each other. 

1st Gear: Let the punishment fit the crime.

Yes, although those are several thousand dollars more on average.  Budget accordingly (also watch out for badly modded cars). 

Just don’t get the automatic, budget for an IMS replacement when you do the clutch, make sure you do blackstone analysis with EVERY oil change, and watch the RMS seal. Oh- the Porsche tax is real so plan on spending more on everything.

Every story like this makes me feel accordingly:

We all drive the same 6 cars, so the stickers are the only way to tell which Subaru is yours in a parking lot of 600 triathletes!

1. As a fellow black cat owner, that picture is charming!

Hey Patrick- even better, her vocal track only: 

Of course we are, we got New Coke instead of Coke a Cola Classic.

Doping problems in tennis? Nothing to see here, just massive athletes with amazing stamina way later than ever before. Don’t you believe in miracles?

“You MUST go through a dealer to finish off the purchase, and you must bear the exorbitant markup of doing so.” Stunning, the mark-up on new cars is relatively terrible. If the car/truck has ample inventory (most do) you often are looking at invoice +200 to invoice +500, not awesome on a $35,000 SUV the dealer has to


Miata money for a Boxster- what the hell, let’s go!

We bought the trademark and made it clickbait! #worstmovieever

He doesn’t use logic, and it confuses his remaining supporters. Much like empathy, most science and strangely the meaning of the word “irony”.

If your Daddy wasn’t a rich former F-1 driver, and you were not Dutch, which lower open wheel race series would you be crashing in?

Leave it stock, restore it and take it out to Cars and Coffee. NP assuming no major hits to the body and a clean title.

Porsche flat 10 engine confirmed!

My Cat has trained an entire household to do his bidding with variations of the single meow sound. He even rapidly trains guests.

Never has a Cat video so cried out for the music of Right Said Fred.