
“is the result of an extensive investigation by our firm during the past year”

And better too, that has to leave a mark.

Wheeler Dealers 2.0. I thought it was going to be bad. I was wrong- it was really good. And strangely, Ant was BETTER than Edd China, which was a real surprise for me. Often times a lot better. Some Ewing Theory potential here.

That’s Fox News dog whistle for its more racist viewers

Love Eccos. Note- you do get a color choice on some of those shoes. I got the Ecco sneaker shown in black at the Gold Box price.

Love Eccos. Note- you do get a color choice on some of those shoes. I got the Ecco sneaker shown in black at the

Reminder- NEVER READ THE COMMENTS. Now back to your regular scheduled programing.

I could live without Will Buxton if I had to- those pit walks were not very good, and his interviews of backmarkers out of the race often were a series of boring platitudes interrupting the race action.

My parents had one of those- it was pretty damn fast for its time.

I assume she was cutting an audition for Fox News

Too bad he doesn’t have a rich or well connected dad- apparently is critical these days.

I enjoyed the single player, but save often as the game still has plenty of bugs that will not get fixed now. Also note that the player hosted co-op only multiplayer is almost dead at this point, so don’t buy it for that.

I enjoyed the single player, but save often as the game still has plenty of bugs that will not get fixed now. Also

Nice article- looks like I’m a winner! (sigh)

The fact he was super fishy his whole career and IMMEDIATELY stopped being the dominant GC threat when (hopefully) he went off the juice taints him. The fact he mostly beat other dopers helps a little. But watching his “miracle” mid-Vuelta resurgence needs a Santa Clause level of suspension of disbelief. He’s

Me too- a major improvement over the prior model (which was pretty good to begin with).

Me too- a major improvement over the prior model (which was pretty good to begin with).

“Its gone badly!”

And now I’m a RealTime Acura fan.

They already do this with the Forester XT, at the highest level they basically port the drivetrain from the WRX CVT

out of curiousity- how long before the first Russian astroturf comment?

Cause Uber is such a stand up, reputable company.

Great Scott- the car needed to be going 88 miles an hour- my instructions were clear!