
One possiblity has already happened:

How whould they determine “usurped power”? Those taking power would argue they did so through legitimate (tank based) means. Seems like poor draftsmanship.

It will also be a Friday afternoon, preferably before a long weekend so as to avoid as much of the “look at this massive screw-up the Browns did” narrative as possible in the sports news cycle. My prediction, during Round 1 or 2 of March Madness.

Notice Cooley never talks when Dan is drinking water. . .

Have you met a 14 year old?

VW Leadership can only drive cars with older Takata airbags until diesel problem fixed. #motivation

Unless your friends with Putin, which all the military contractors are. So not really.

Well, he makes a tempting offer. But probably not worth seeing a self-driving Ferrari.

God no, it smells like, like a used diaper... filled with... Indian food. Oh, excuse me.

“I am not going to lie, that smells like pure gasoline.”

Rule 1 about Sergio- NEVER BELIEVE SERGIO

Living testimony for the need for much higher estate and gift taxes.

Or he was an idiot lookey-loo who panicked at the sight of brake lights ahead.

He’s going to use the entire ticket book on that driver.

Name voted most likely to be used in Bad Sci-Fi

much bluster, little real action against their biggest customer. China more fears massive waves of NK refugees.

“Oh yeah, I will take the insurance cause I am going to beat the hell out of this thing”

Around here the BMW loaners are driven slowly by 60 year olds. Mostly 328i’s and 528i’s if thats the sort of thing to float your boat.

Increasing awareness of CTE and their own personal “count” of concussions (often MUCH higher than the reported ones)?

Waze for Bigots rather than Radar Traps(tm)