
Yeah its like: "We can restore our credibility with integrity and beat the other networks to the punch? Nah, let's bag on a Democratic representative so we can maintain our liberal diffidence…"

If it was realistic, it would have been one of those awkward Missed-Bumps / High Fives, like between NBA Team Owners and their Players.

Yes, the classical exegesis of Plato's 'The Hatewatcher'.

One of Us! One of Us! GOO-ble GOB-ble! GOO-ble GOB-ble!

Aaron Sorkin's remote has Rewind and Pause buttons…

ACN: Avoids Consequences Naturally

So you see absolutely no problem that Season 2's main plot antagonism and character threat-conflict was completely defused by a conveniently loud out-of character proclamation shouted in the middle of the eponymous Newsroom? Why not just shout: "Status Quo Upheld! Free Passes For Everyone!"

That's how you can tell he's a hack.

I'd take this ep. over any of Sorkin's attempts at screw-ball comedy.

Agree on Leona, disagree on everything else. Pfft, 'feel good' optimistic bravado, more like 'feel good' optimistic Bull Shit…

It was coke. Marketing types are into blow. She said spliff, but unless she likes chronic, that doesn't explain her crack-head dialogue. I expect better realism in this regard, ESPECIALLY from Sorkin!

The Secret Garden?!? Are you sure Don's not gay? He is into the locker room scene…

See, the problem with tying up the loose ends is that the writers don't have that well to draw from, and any continual relationship drama between two stabilized characters undermines the denouement in the first place. I'm far too much of an ironic-minded cynic to not believe this will happen in a tentative third

Not to wax semantic, but I think you meant to say Chauvinism instead of Misogyny, even though it just rolls of the tongue better.

Yes but those are examples of real life professionals. I was half expecting a "wahhmp-wahhmp" trombone after Sloaen blew her top.

Downside: No Terry Crews

Any closing musical montage is embarrassing for everybody.

@avclub-6039f46aeda27f5db7b8d75bc17b256c:disqus Okay, so maybe Walt didn't save his life, maybe he did the exact opposite. And by maybe I mean literally, since it was Todd that came up with the idea to spare Jesse momentarily. I guess I got carried away when Walt dropped that knowledge bomb on Jesse, since I'd been

@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus The Breaking in the title refers to AA pledges and your Sanity.

@avclub-6039f46aeda27f5db7b8d75bc17b256c:disqus If by sadder you mean More Awesome, then yes. Yes it did. He saves his life, and straight kicks him right in the balls for his treachery. That's some Keyser Fucking Soze shit right there.