
or how everyone involved with this gets cancer and dies?

This and Looper. Rian Johnson really knows how to wring the acting juice out of little kids.

Hello Kitty phones?

Speaking of Looper, didn't Dean Morris kind of look like Bruce Willis during the super tight close-up? Maybe it was the wide-lens and bright lighting Johnson favors.

* Crystal Blue Persuasion plays in background *
Don't be a good Neighbor. I'll have to write you a love letter. Do you know what a Love Letter is, Neighbor? It's a bullet from a fucking gun, fucker! You get a love letter from me, you're fucked forever!!!

Hank (lying against truck): "But I am white…"

YOU MONSTER! I bet you're one of those IGN types who says mean things about Betsy Brandt.

I like how pissed off he was that he got shot in the other leg.

That wasn't a gunfight. That was a goddamn Columbian Death Squad ambush.
Fuck the status quo, I like dark. It's more cathartic.

Bogdan was deported and extradited for human trafficking and smuggling illegally imported exotic birds behind his eyebrows.

More like Super Convenient. They shot up the agents before they knew about the money, and only connected the dots after Hank's execution. But yeah, there is severe poetic justice in taking your blood money from the freshly dug grave of your victim.

Gomey's too classy for Tecate. Bohemia.

@avclub-f48521be7b943ef55b5fdee3b9d57bc4:disqus I liked your comment because you implicitly equate Alan Sepinwall with IGN.

@avclub-359f449e012b58f30cbc80ea8b9e794a:disqus That was her name? I just called her "Jane rebound latina-single-mother".

Moar liek; TERR-Larious!

@DesertDweller79:disqus …for several years…

@avclub-ae12f7aea3ee4c3dc4e6abf12f9f916e:disqus I wish I wrote for the show. If that happened to you, you'd curl up in the middle of your room, turn the lights off and cry. Forever.

What's hilarious is, Walt is going to have to crawl into that hole and put the sick and dying Jesse out of his misery.

This is the real scary thing:
Todd makes Jesse cook without safety gear.
Just let that soak in. Like the toxic fumes in Jesse's lungs.

@avclub-c4d038b4bed09fdb1471ef51ec3a32cd:disqus But it's Hank we're talking about, and he has a coffee mug that says Git R Done, so more or less.