
b-b-but, her eyes are sooo blue, like the kinda meth Daddy used to make…

Well he was kinda acting like a stuck-up hypocritical bitch for a second.

Then the Heels could hit the Faces off the podium with a folding chair during the medal ceremony to take the Gold back!


Iknowrite? That's like taking Running out of the Olympics.
Thank God at least it's not replaced with MMA.

@mmmtard I like some of the show. I invariably detest the rest of the show. Don't be willfully stupid. You can watch more than one cable television show in any given day. You try wading through the comments section in that show's reviews.

The 4th of July.

All snarky assholery aside, I think you're on to something with the tonal conflict that occurs in the show. I think it has something to do with the writer's ability to connect and relate to their audience, and us to them. It's not like it's bad chemistry between the actors souring the tone of the writing, it's

@avclub-d44516e88a548ff1b4d73b7f9ee80a0a:disqus No, I was looking for a commenter snarky enough to bridge the two comments and do the legwork for me. Instead I got you.

That would be funny. I'm picturing Mac's stupid hurt open-mouthed guppy face right now, instead of Don's shower friends love triangle. That has earned you 1 Like.

There's no making sense of a half-assed character defining moment when it's a character everyone collectively gives zero fucks for. It was the big setup in the first episode for what turned out to be a giant wet fart of a character arc.

Different friend…unless…
Wow. Also, eww.

4. The planet whose civilization hasn't invented conditioner or hair products yet. Plenty of red clown dye, though.

The character of Reese actually came across as human for once! He's not just a walking suit! Now he's a walking suit with mommy issues!

@avclub-191765469cd53a1585b38150cbcdbb21:disqus dammit, there was a perfectly good setup for an Oxford comma zinger right there!

Psst…none of those lines were funny. Wry? Yes. Witty? Faintly. Ballsbustingly funny? No. If you have to put the word "fucking" in front of "funny" to describe The Newsroom's humor, you're not failing to sell it to us - you're failing to sell it to yourself.

The contrived Sorkinisms really clashed with the actor's established roles early on in the first ten minutes. The back and forth in the makeup room was painful to watch, and it felt like even they were taken out of the scene by the bullshit they were trying to sell.

You mean like a Fine Arts major?

Hey Glenn, remember how T-Dog actually went to UGA, but dropped out to take care of his momma who was sick with cancer?

Calling Thaddeus Dogge weaselly is like calling Jesus weaselly.
Christ. Not Quintana.
Now that guy was a slimy mother. Eight year olds, dude.