
and I hope its reincarnated as a wax tipped twirly gunslinger's mustachioe.

Bull True. The Robert Shaw I know doesn't get roofied from knockout gas.

Dewey is weaselly out of bad genes and born-to-lose desperation, 180 off from Wynn, who is such as craven guile meets cutthroat ambition.

He is weasely not just because he watches women's tennis, but because he most likely makes his bodyguard stand outside when he does. There is something genuinely unwholesome about both these actions.

Fact: From Russia With Love is a bad James Bond film. The plot is bare bones, the stereotypes broad (*gypsy* cat fights?), and the bleached blonde femme fatale is so dumb that even I'm embarrassed. You want a better Bond? OSS. 117. Jean de fucking Jardin.

@avclub-e9d30684eab68ad542c45e8cd5de1778:disqus That just means I was here before you.

Allow me to bridge the generation gap you are currently suffering from which is seperating you from the 21st century with a simple explanation: there is a *this is going to sting a little* meta-textual element which occurs between followers of a show they are hate-watching.

As much as I want to agree with you, I'm not sure that Dantanna was so wildly anti-Obama as previous episodes may have led you to infer. Also I'm thinking that Sorkin paints with a wider brush a la American Taliban when grinding his Axes. I definitely agree, his character arc is about as nuanced as an Ayn Rand

Didn't Gandolfini play the Secretary of Defense in Zero Dark Thirty? He'd have made a company man whose a sight more menacing than the 2nd Place runner up in the Reverend Kane from Poltergeist II look-alike contest they originally used…

"Who Ate All The Pies! Who Ate All The Pies! You Fat Wanker You Fat Wanker You Ate All The Pies!"
*soccer buzzer* Game Ends: 0 - 0.
Soooo much about Brits makes so much sense all of a sudden.

I'm going off of Finn's vision from King Worm of PB and The Lich having coffee, coupled with the fact that Goliad - a genetically evil creation - was cloned from a strand of PB's hair. But yeah, totes cereal, Finn thought he was all that, but Peebs knew he was flat.

"I want you to SQUEEZE, SQUEEZE the Lemon Kingdom! Give me juice! Crush them into utter submission! Show no mercy! Now GO!… then I'll send you…

PB is getting really sinister and manipulative in her turn to the evil side. Hormone Time with Finn and Wank not withstanding, her ease at using Finn without cluing him in on the plan was chillingly sociopathic. It's not quite like she sees him as a lesser being, but you could see this mechanical click where she

Baron Lemonir Grabkonnen

@ganews:disqus sits down and finds out too late the chair next to @avclub-09f700cd7fcae2e9f63ea6cdb7aa76b0:disqus is a juicer toilet.

I eww'd inside so bad when Lemony the 8th got all Frank Booth with his 'Pud. Best laugh of the episode.

That's probably the best use of the word "once" I've ever heard in my life. What's the weather like on the planet you live on?

I'd like The Newsroom better if they replaced Will's Showtunes library with Raylan Givens' Netflix account from Justified - wait no what am I saying? Only Neeeel knows how to work the Netflix account…

I wish that the part where Don asks Sloan(e) "Why do you date guys like that?" had never happened. Thanks, Sorkin, thanks a lot.

See, I read that first part, then I re-watch the episode, and I'll be damned, but every-time I picture the writers of the show I picture them as cavemen banging rocks together, both fearful and contemptuous of that one "under-thirty" caveman that made a fire. Even Seminole County would have their shit better together