
Can we please stop describing people with bipolar disorder as “complicated” and loving them “painful”. JFC, Page Six. I’m so over it. I’m a healthy, productive human who has a great job, a happy family, and a PhD. I did all of this WITH Bipolar II. I watched other members of my family and refuse treatment and have the

I’ve given side eye to stories of young and healthy vaccine hunters lurking at pharmacies in hopes of getting daily leftovers, but considering that Kloots lost her husband to COVID after a long and horrible battle and has a small daughter who needs her, I’m willing to give her a pass. My husband and I would love to

Those two as a couple are giving me John Bender/Claire Standish vibes.

To all the men who don’t want supporting roles in female - led films: may I present, Brad Pitt, in ‘Thelma and Louse.’ :) Maybe only the really hot ones are confident enough to pull it off. ;)

I think SJP and Cyn Nixon sampled from the same batch of mushrooms but then went on very different trips. The one everyone forgets about is definitely coked to the gills. Kim Cattrall, well who knows, she’s probably completely sober and thinking, “SATC 2: Revenge of the Knights Templar should be enough to kill off

Xander facts, the actor who played him was (is) an alcoholic as well as a twin. His twin brother stood in for him in some scenes when he was too shit faced and then in rehab.  Something Whedon had no problem with when it came to Xander. 

It’s got nothing to do with her actual looks and everything to do with controlling women. I’m sure Helen of Troy had every man in the ancient world going “If you’d just do XYZ you’d be perfect.”

I thought that was Katy Perry? Wait are Katy and Avril the same person? I’ve never seen them in a room together. 

The other thing wrong with this ad is that Gavin Rossdale is English, so the whole premise of Gwen saying she wants a guy from another country is kind of weird. Obviously whoever wrote this ad was going for the joke and didn’t expect us to think about it too hard.

I’d also like to include “princess” in the list of words to not call her.
She’s closing on 40 and divorced. I know we’re old now, and it’s hard to admit, but yeah, she’s a grownass adult now, like all of us.

Some day we all reach the age when being hit on becomes newsworthy.

Wait, is this the REAL Avril Lavigne, or the fake one that took her place when she supposedly died in a car crash or something?  ... I can’t keep track.

Hey now, that’s Christian-pop princess, is it not? And how does this jibe with Mod Sun’s previous throuple (you left out the good part!) with Tana Whoever and Bella Thorne? I’d guess throuples would be low on the list of “things born-again Christians like.” Or is Avril all done with the Christian thing already?

And why

Okay, but Justin Timberlake is still an asshole, right? #janet4eva

Did you mean “flagrantly profiting” instead of “fragrantly profiting”? 

My person and I got engaged. I haven’t told anyone IRL. I like the feeling of savoring a secret and I don’t feel like doing it for the gram (now an ad wasteland). So y’all get to hear it first. Wish us luck :)

Felt you were too negative...during your cancer.

“Women are too emotional...” - Perpetually Triggered Self-Described Alpha Males

That is worthy of a word I don’t use lightly or often: inspiring.

I know this is (mostly) tongue in cheek, but you may want to read Kevin Pang’s piece on why he left this website.