
It gets better! Well the sleeping not the gift giving, people are kind of assholes like that. I have a 1 year old and I can still remember those early weeks of pure sleepless horror (they say you forget but um that seems not possible.). Have you tried using a nipple shield? I know everyone is always so conflicted

I want to go to there.

I think you can use cornstarch or corn starch based products, I’m sure there are some marketed to men that are safe because you know, men.

yeah pouches are for out and about (for some reason my toddler won’t eat tacos so instead gets carrot/apple/quinoa mush) mushed up ppl food (no teeth yet) is for home

those aisles are anxiety inducing, I havent shopped there in 2+ years because of the awful layout

extra on board (GET IT??) if the theme song is that Britney Spears song where she says “but I thought the old lady dropped it in the ocean at the end?” “ well Britney (Paulie?)...I went down and got it for you”

I’ll basically watch anything with Paul Rudd so sure, why not?

big jormp energy

oh awful and that couch hammock situation looks like it turns into a sex swing or something

Well thats a good way for her to show ppl shes not pregnant again

I am interested in it I guess because there is a chance my mom won’t find out about it and then I can finally post things with the wild abandon of a 35yr old and not have to worry that my mom is going to leave 5 nonsensical comments on it.

to be fair that is a weird photo of him (he looks like a young Kurt Russell here) but I don’t know what it is about him but I am hardcore interested in him. I’m sure he is ridiculously dumb or hates puppies or something but I just think he is so hot. Did you see Call Me By Your Name?

yes! frozen dairy dessert is not ok when you are expecting actual no 90% air ice cream

This book was soooooooooooo boring

ohhhh thats who she is, I had no idea based on the name

eh too many reasons really, high blood pressure, carrying triplets, random tests/scans/monitoring, that thing where you barf all the time and get really dehydrated and have to have an IV

obviously a cover up for something because Tupac isn’t dead

well just googled her and yeah no she does not look like Winona Ryder nor would she have risen to JLo fame

I was thinking secretly pregnant

I was assuming he just had aides read reddit to him