
I’m assuming when asked he just takes a hit and then says “whom?”

that is so Tolkien

I thought this was a still from that piece of shit Rebel in the Rye movie. Nicholas Hoult is really going for the docudrama without approval from the family thing huh?

I’m hoping downstairs because what if the hot tub leaks???? and also closer to the undergroundbasement sex dungeon lair that obviously exists

I am thinking some kind of millennial evil Belle from Beauty and the Beast

and in the library no less! think of the books!

I feel like Anne H. had to do something after giving up drinking! Teetotaling vegan just sounds kind of joyless. But I say that as a self-proclaimed dairy/sugar addict who has to admit cutting waaayy down on drinking has made me feel amazing 

There’s no way Michelle 29 is buying strangers rounds

high school sweethearts who had to break up because Owen Wilsons dad bought his way into USC and JLO went to Arizona state on a scholarship and now they reconnect after JLO now rich tries to buy her daughters way into USC so she can land the Owen Wilson of her generation.

heard it here first!

I liked Dollhouse but I don’t think it would hold up will in a rewatch and some of those storylines-yikes.....

these bunnies were not hired for their looks.

if you have to eat them then yes

stale AF

Ugh gross just buy a honey stinger waffle put it on top of your starbucks cup (or inside some ice cream I guess) and call it a day on these overrated stroopwafels

Is this just a combo of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Buffy?

my baby only got adorably chubby after supplementing with formula!

yesss-setting up for Operation Varsity Blues Meet Cute Part 2- Electric Boogaloo the Prison Sing-a-long

this inspired me to google her young and wow did she love bangs!

Is the Owen Wilson/JLO romcom  parents who bribe their kids into colleges and meet at the trial and FALL IN LOVE??? What a meet cute!