
I just looked over the Deadspin front page and it doesn’t look like they cover football any more. Sorry.

If you truly believe they are the same in any way, just give up now. Your brain stopped working a while ago.

Yeah, it’s just one. The column could not possibly be more obviously not directed at high school football players, so invoking them as the true audience of the piece is patronizing in the extreme.

Why are you asking about MAC games!? Ha! Get a load of this guy, everybody!

He-he’s black... *whimpers* he’s bald!

So start all the best players in the league... and sit the worst players in the league... I’ve been doing it wrong all along!

There’s no consideration for the child’s privacy here. His well-being is clearly secondary to the object lesson he can provide in the eyes of this department.

Missing from the FB post: links to resources people can call to report/help addicts, decency, empathy.

It’s worse than that. I think the cops are trying to say “Look at what we deal with every day, aren’t we heroes? Don’t you feel bad for us?” They are using a child’s circumstance to elevate themselves, that is highly cynical.


A good start:

Also, the Mail update is a shitshow. By default it loads the entire message thread, which is awesome when you’re getting a response to an archived fantasy football draft schedule email with 50+ replies (you can change this in the settings, though).

Dammit Jaguar Lady, you’re supposed to make me feel happy. Now you’re a person and I’m worried about you living on the street. Can the Jags make her the new mascot? She’s literally the only good thing about that team or city, and top 5 for the state.

I would lock them away in a safe, and then spend the rest of my life trolling the internet by selectively releasing made-up bullshit “from the unpublished manuscripts” that completely fucked up the story.

Samer is the captain.

Let’s all take a moment to marvel at the fact that Venus Williams won the tournament that year, and made it to the 4th round this year.

That gif is horrifying, but I can’t look away. It’s gonna get real weird in a second when someone walks past my desk.

They’re both very racist.