
It's not that my husband doesn't love me, it's that I'm not a smokin' hot 25-year-old who never had kids. Oh, and I was assuming the pictures were for me! You know, to gaze longingly at myself for an ego boost? My hubs knows what I look like.

Maybe I could hold a giant pillow across my abdomen like they do in sitcoms when the actresses are secretly pregnant.

I wish I had had the money for and knowledge of this when I got married exactly five years ago today. Two kids later, all the photoshop in the world couldn't get me in a bikini. Maybe I can 'shop a pic of my head on a Vicky C catalog and call it a day?

I guess my eyes aren't that great because these look just like the printed ones to me. Or close enough. Crap. I had been thinking they were ogres this whole time who were transformed by crazy heavy PS. That dream died - they really are gorgeous!

Oh look, another solution to all those baby pictures you guys hate on Facebook.

Are people really doing that? I have 450 fb friends, most moms, and I just don't see that. I have never in my life posted a picture of poop. That is disgusting. Or a foodie face unless it was their first birthday.

I guess my beef here is I have around 450 FB friends, the majority moms and I really have never seen anyone post 1,000's of pictures of their baby in a constant stream. It seems like the biggest offenders post a pic or two a day at the most. With 450 friends, that person is easily just a blip in my day.

No, I think any friend who has such difficulty making it through seeing a few pictures of something important in their "friend's" life should do us both a favor and unfriend me rather than be a snarky, immature bitch and install an application to block my pictures with cats. If pictures of my babies cause you such

Why are you on Facebook so much to catch the whole stream? Good God, do some work at that desk of yours.

I think the relative holds on to that pic because I look so intentionally ugly. Seriously, I crossed my eyes. It was a joke! One I will never live down.

Exactly. This site is anti-parenthood. If a writer dares to have a child they have to write apologetic posts about how terrible it is and how uncool they are now. Fuck that, I live in the city, go out, take care of myself and have a very happy life . . . with a husband and two kids! Smug? Is it smug when single ladies

Oh, the duck face. As a complete joke I duckfaced exactly once in my life. It was at my very elegant wedding five years ago, in an ironic fashion, after three glasses of champagne. OF COURSE that is the picture a certain relative holds in high prominence. Poster size on the wall! Tagged on Facebook! Kill me now!

You should unfriend someone whom you don't want to see their ugly, grumpy-old-men-looking babies. Yes, do that immediately.

The whole idea just seems really bitter. I post maybe one picture every week or two of my kids, if that If it harms you that much, please unfriend me. Also, die in a fire because they're fucking gorgeous.

Also of note is that she makes $20,000,000 per year. Yeah, I'd be in Jimmy Choos.

I think it's an old lady thing. A had a few touch my *newborns*. If dirty looks could murder . . .

Why did he let her go on a beer run? Wouldn't the situation call for flagging down the beer guy and/or making sure you were plenty stocked the previous inning?

I'm having trouble figuring out the new comment system, so I'll just reply here and say thanks!

This ambivalence is probably because they plan to have a child sometime. Not everyone plans their pregnancies down to the second. If you are in the relationship you know you want to be in and live in a fairly livable spot, you just think, "eh, might happen" and don't worry about it.

Stop trying to "glean what is between" his ears. This is a recipe for copy cat crimes. Quit making this guy a star. He's getting off o n the attention and you're playing right into it.