
I will never get enough of her.


You are correct, I am white. I honestly don’t know what black people are supposed to dii in that situation given the climate of police violence. Sad.

“It’s not a Saturday night in America if someone isn’t ranting about the state of feminism in the world today”

The homeless of San Francisco are gorgeous. They all look like Gap models. I will look at them freely every change I get, especially when they are a bit aggressive in asking me for money, like, sitting down at my table with me while I eat lunch at an outdoor restaurant.

Why even give that disclaimer about Taylor Swift? I back even “annoying” women when they are verbally attacked and their success is underscored by a misogynist. I’m truly disappointed in Jezebel.

Woah, I totally forgot about PP and IUDs. I seriously would not have a third child right now if I had read that comment prior to 2013. Sorry kid! ***gets in time machine***

Early pregnancy can cause heart palpitations. It always does it to me! Totally harmless, very very annoying (and scary until you realize it’s nothing).

Why does everyone feel entitled to pursue vanity careers and live in New York? Then expect their handouts to come with a door man? Please.

Since when are residents of a building “equal”? This isn’t about civil rights, it’s about entitlement to luxury. If you want 1k month to buy you a dishwasher, don’t live near the Hudson. This is about rich people and even richer people.

I don’t take lunch because I have too much work to do. Which is worse - being a martyr asshole, or not getting my job done?

She has such a sweet, beautiful face.

Agree. Madonna sounds like an awesome mom. Can she control my diet? I’d love for someone to take away my stuff on the floor, too. I’m 36.

I take it you have never seen the Steve Harvey show. They asks dmd to be on there once and guess what the plan was? For me to say disgusting, embarrassing things so Steve Harvey could make that face at me. I declined.

It’s not like MRAs are super sweethearts to thin feminists. DICK SLUTS’N’WHORES! Etcetera.

Not to crime while white or anything (#disaster!), but I am white. It helps. Sadly.

I got pulled over on a dark road alone twice. When the police lights started flashing, I drove over a mile both times to a gas station or fast food restaurant. When the cops saw that I was 20 and alone, they both understood and it was not an issue at all. Just go very slowly and maybe motion out the window to them to

*Parents. FTFY. Don’t pin this shit all on a woman.

Bernie Saunders? He’s running against Hillaury Clinton, right?

I got a push present. I figured you get a ring when you get married, why not one when you become a mother?